I agree with Arlo as well Puma, and as I also have repeatedly said in your "story" threads, you should definitely write a book. It's not just the subject matter - subject matter which all aviation and history buffs love to devour - it's mostly the way you tell your stories. You have an incredible ability to put the reader "right there".
My best friend wrote a popular book about his experience in the recent mid-east wars, "The Taliban Don't Wave", by Capt. Rob Semrau. When I began writing, he helped me a great deal, and also offered the services of his agent and publisher, both from HarperCollins.
If you ever do seriously decide to write a book(s) - and I hope you someday do - feel free to PM me for my contact #s, as I'd love to help put you in contact with one of the world's largest publishers, as I know they would gobble up what you've written on this forum alone.
Over the years I've had a file created of interesting posts from people with creds on this forum, in particular you Puma, Eagl, and Mace, so I already have a very thorough collection of your writing and stories here.