I dont have a "timeline" infront of me at this second...so this is JUST A QUESTION. "CHINA" warned the world? As I remember there was a DOCTOR, in China that was trying to blow the whistle? It was because China tried to silence said Dr.(and eventually he was be it Cov or FMJ) is why the W.H.O was late acknowledging the danger? It doesnt matter really. WHO is corrupted, CHINA made it, ITS a weapon, The AP says, Q said,FoxNews said,FauxNews said, LEFT TWIX NO RIGHT TWIX is meaningless now. We can argue that stoole till the end. Views one way or the other doesnt matter...WE ARE ALL IN THE SAME BOAT NOW I dont care if you are man made..natural enhanced or what ever you are....instead of throwing water into said boat, just acknowledge someone looks and things different, and just Row Row Row...whomever the Captain is I aint seen proof that this boat even has a Wheel let alone a Rudder. I know I am not in charge and both sides of any Rowing Team have to work together. Eh doesnt matter just hate all this bickering, this will only make the coming storm, that much harder to navigate