This is what I would bet on , but Like we said be for we really need a random sampling of some area using both anti body and antigen test to be able to know what is going on.
In MHO this should be at the top of the lists of priorities. With a 1 - 10k sampling of an area of NY, a clear view would emerge. For all we know we could already be at 50% infected in some areas.
Maybe. I certainly would like both test as widely available ASAP. Testing is cheap relatively speaking. Testing at least is something we CAN do in the short term while waiting on a vaccine.
I do wonder though. I have seen reports of it mutating. (40 different mutations? ) I have seen reports of people testing positive for multiple strains simultaneously. I have seen reports of people getting re-infected after recovering. (Same strain? Mutation? Same infection just flared back up?)
So if you show anti-bodies for a previous strain, does that mean you are also immune to all all other and all future strains?
I'm sure the scientists are taking this into account but I'm curious.