Originally posted by BenDover:
,r u 1 of those people from main arena...[ 08-19-2001: Message edited by: BenDover ]
Uh, I guess, yeah. I pay to play.
Funny how prejudice exposes itself in the dumbest places.
BenD, I was just giving you feedback. Points of View are individual, allowed, and always correct.
If you like what you've done that's cool. If I tell you it's not appealing to me, then that should be cool too.
It's not like I called you a POS or something. I think you did a good job for it being a first map.
I guess since I'm not one of the H2H GV warrior types, I should not have presented my oppinion. I made the mistake of thinking that we were all "Flight" enthusiasts here.
My appologies,