Old version first:
The viewing area sucks. When looking at the terrain, the view is zoomed in so tight that a clutter object, such as a tree, fills 3/4 of the viewing screen.
I have tried F3, F5, Zoom in and out, etc. but I can't figure out how to get a higher altitude view.
Beta V2:
When I first boot my PC I can run this version with no problems at all. I can save and build without a crash.
If I close and chose not to save, I get BSOD and can't get out of it without the reset button.
If I close and save, or save and exit, there is no crash. I can go to AH or AH Editor 1 with no problem.
But, when I open Editor 2 again, it hangs right after the window structures are created (loading the terrain/obj info). The hdd light does not indicate activity.
If I hit ctl+alt+del one time, it takes 4-5 seconds and then a BSOD pops up warning that the system has become unstable.
If I hit any other key, the BSOD falls away and I get the taskman which shows aheditor as "not responding." At this point I can click "End Task" and a 2nd window comes up and I click the "End Task" on it and the proggy closes.
From here, I can not open AH, AH Editor 1, or AH Editor 2 without rebooting.