Author Topic: To Win the Winter Sky Frame 3 Video  (Read 1500 times)

Offline perdue3

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To Win the Winter Sky Frame 3 Video
« on: May 21, 2020, 02:00:34 AM »
Now my second video :). It was not as fun as the first frame, but I enjoyed making the video and flying the K$ is never a bad time. I hope Frame 4 is awesome for everyone.

C.O. Kommando Nowotny


Offline TequilaChaser

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Re: To Win the Winter Sky Frame 3 Video
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2020, 06:46:14 AM »
Ain' fun getting your arse handed  to you.every frame.......

Hoping this last frame goes the other way, but if it doesn't I suggest some aircraft types be switched up on the losing side......least give em something to make it closer to even! So it makes it between the players and not the machines....


 Best of luck to everyone participating
"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC

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Re: To Win the Winter Sky Frame 3 Video
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2020, 09:05:57 AM »
Ain' fun getting your arse handed  to you.every frame.......

Hoping this last frame goes the other way, but if it doesn't I suggest some aircraft types be switched up on the losing side......least give em something to make it closer to even! So it makes it between the players and not the machines....


 Best of luck to everyone participating

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Offline TequilaChaser

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Re: To Win the Winter Sky Frame 3 Video
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2020, 09:22:58 AM »
"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC

Offline perdue3

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Re: To Win the Winter Sky Frame 3 Video
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2020, 11:49:45 AM »
Ain' fun getting your arse handed  to you.every frame.......

Hoping this last frame goes the other way, but if it doesn't I suggest some aircraft types be switched up on the losing side......least give em something to make it closer to even! So it makes it between the players and not the machines....


 Best of luck to everyone participating

Do you mean let the Axis fly Allied and vice versa? Or do you mean take away K$s and give us G-6s? Or give everyone the same aircraft? I'd be down to fight the Allies in K-4s while I fly a K-4, not sure the Allies would be down for that though. I'd be fine with allowing more P-51s or Spit 14s for the final frame if that is what you mean.

Please elaborate on your thoughts. 3 frames have been won so Frame 4 is a formality. We can entertain your idea even if it is not accepted.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2020, 12:03:27 PM by perdue3 »
C.O. Kommando Nowotny


Offline jeffn

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Re: To Win the Winter Sky Frame 3 Video
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2020, 12:25:15 PM »
Head scratch on this one,
So it makes it between the players and not the machines....
On paper these plane sets look pretty even.
Where are you seeing the edge? We could talk about this after frame 4, when forums are open, but in my opinion there have been two main factors for the scoring difference. It has a lot, if not all, to do with tactics.

Jagdgeschwader 11


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Re: To Win the Winter Sky Frame 3 Video
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2020, 01:55:25 PM »
The aircraft are well balanced generally, though the Typhoons should be used as Jabos.

There's just no nice way to say it, but the axis pilots are well versed and well practiced in their planes and the allied pilots are ineffective, because they turn up drunk and expect a walkover in their favour.

I blame the 20 odd years the Scenarios and FSO planesets have systematically favoured the allies, nothing causes more issues than someone finally turning up the difficulty setting from "easy" to "Normal".
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Offline TequilaChaser

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Re: To Win the Winter Sky Frame 3 Video
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2020, 06:04:43 PM »
heya perdweeb and jeffn,

before this scenario ever started frame one, Badboy and I took turns flying the P47D25 against the K4, G14, etc... I flew the Axis planes against Badboy and he couldn't do nothing to gain angles or position

then we reversed the role and I flew the P47D25 against him flying the axis planes and I couldn't do anything against him, no matter what each of us tried when we was in the D25 jug it was the machine (axis plane) abilities/performance advantages

1 caveat I should have put in my first post regarding frame 3.... my Group the 404th FG/506th FS were down to just 3 pilots in the middle of our first flight, then down to just 2 when my group was fixing to take off for the 3rd mission... so I'm sure that had an effect on my group with just semp & Badboy being down 4 pilots in their group

looking at EM diagrams and speed, climb, turn charts I only scanned through once before this scenario started and I would have to go look at them again to see how close they were for all allied vs all axis

then again it just could be the way the cookie crumbles, heh

hope everyone has a good time in this last frame!


Dolby, I'm not sure if that is true or not on the showing up drunk to fly a scenario.... if people do do that I find it distasteful....

edit: perdweeb, I am not asking for anything to be changed in this scenario's frame 4....
I was suggesting that the "To Win the Winter Sky" scenario design be revisited before this scenario comes back around in the future years of the games existance
« Last Edit: May 21, 2020, 06:07:54 PM by TequilaChaser »
"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC

Offline perdue3

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Re: To Win the Winter Sky Frame 3 Video
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2020, 06:15:21 PM »
heya perdweeb and jeffn,

before this scenario ever started frame one, Badboy and I took turns flying the P47D25 against the K4, G14, etc... I flew the Axis planes against Badboy and he couldn't do nothing to gain angles or position

then we reversed the role and I flew the P47D25 against him flying the axis planes and I couldn't do anything against him, no matter what each of us tried when we was in the D25 jug it was the machine (axis plane) abilities/performance advantages

1 caveat I should have put in my first post regarding frame 3.... my Group the 404th FG/506th FS were down to just 3 pilots in the middle of our first flight, then down to just 2 when my group was fixing to take off for the 3rd mission... so I'm sure that had an effect on my group with just semp & Badboy being down 4 pilots in their group

looking at EM diagrams and speed, climb, turn charts I only scanned through once before this scenario started and I would have to go look at them again to see how close they were for all allied vs all axis

then again it just could be the way the cookie crumbles, heh

hope everyone has a good time in this last frame!


Dolby, I'm not sure if that is true or not on the showing up drunk to fly a scenario.... if people do do that I find it distasteful....

edit: perdweeb, I am not asking for anything to be changed in this scenario's frame 4....
I was suggesting that the "To Win the Winter Sky" scenario design be revisited before this scenario comes back around in the future years of the games existance

Thank you for your thoughts. The Scenario Team will carefully scrutinize the event and consider your criticisms.

For what it's worth, I have a few beers on Saturdays usually. A frame of Scenario is no different.

C.O. Kommando Nowotny


Offline TequilaChaser

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Re: To Win the Winter Sky Frame 3 Video
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2020, 06:54:48 PM »
I don't see anything wrong with a few or several beers.....

Showing up "drunk" where it is showing in your talking and stuff is a different matter

That is my point of where some might treat flying in a scenario just the same as flying in the MA....

and I've myself flew once in a final frame drinking scotch, starting right before the frame launched but I didn't get sloppy drunk either...... I only do that flying in the MA...well used to do that

I've only had one high baller glass of Jameson back in KOTH TOC this past January, before that I had 1 glass of scotch around October

My Doctor just recently told me I have stage 3 kidney I'm done with Alcohol

"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC

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Re: To Win the Winter Sky Frame 3 Video
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2020, 09:22:19 PM »
The edge I see is the 234 supplying a mobile radar minutes into the frame, from my view that inclusion is a load crap.

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Re: To Win the Winter Sky Frame 3 Video
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2020, 09:55:53 PM »
The edge I see is the 234 supplying a mobile radar minutes into the frame, from my view that inclusion is a load crap.
:salute will see how frame 4 goes.
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Offline KCDitto

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Re: To Win the Winter Sky Frame 3 Video
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2020, 10:53:14 PM »
I had gigs lined yup every Saturday for this event, so I had no plans on flying it. I did not read it and was considering my future with both FSO and Scenarios. THEN THE COVID STRUCK!  :t

All my gigs were cancelled!     :furious

I reached out to dutch and registered in JG11  (DUH)

Dutch then asked me to GL for the 190F8's and I agreed. I saw Typhoons in the scenario so I immediately started planning for Typhoon interdiction vs the F8. I was told that the P-47 were my attack counterpart on the allies! I was like WTF??????

I agree, the Typhoon should of been the Ground Attack, but hey, the JUG did do a lot of ground pounding also.

I have enjoyed this scenario a lot. I would of rather been playing my bass with my band in front of drunk festival wom.... people. But hey, I could not think of a better group of guys to get stuck in a cartoon world with   :D  Friend and Foe alike   :salute

I hope you have enjoyed it and thanks for the constructive input.
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Re: To Win the Winter Sky Frame 3 Video
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2020, 02:07:09 AM »
The allies are not requesting any changes for frame 4.

We are going to show up and take it to the axis with our best effort in this last battle.  :aok

Come on in for one last, great battle.

Bring everyone.  :aok