Author Topic: Inactive AH skinners please read  (Read 4085 times)

Offline Citabria

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Re: Inactive AH skinners please read
« Reply #45 on: June 07, 2020, 12:35:57 AM »
Profligacy tends to come at the expense of genius. 

I’d say he has plenty of competition, btw, and that takes nothing away from his skills.  After all, I speak as one who has stepped up my game directly due to his (and Devil505’s) help.  They’ll be the first to objectively describe to you the intricate detail we all place in our work and not out of charity or being a “nice guy” (tm).  Greebo has no monopoly on intricate detail—anyone who doubts that can compare the canopy frames on my P-38s as they’ve evolved to ANY in the game. 

My work takes a back seat to nobody (and vice versa where those two men are concerned).

Now, if you and your mini-me are through making yourselves look like arses we would like to unhijack this thread.

I could objectively tear your work to pieces and describe to you all the subtle detail you do not yet see in your monotone endeavors devoid of rivet deformation, metal fatigue, paint blotching and fading, baked in effects which while less needed with procedural environmental and bump mapping still help sell the skin as authentic but I would be wasting my time because you have to be able to see such intricacies before even attempting to recreate them.

I salute your progress and enjoyment in your artistic endeavors but I do not have any personal interest in your skins which are in the category of proficient and decent.
Fester was my in game name until September 2013

Offline Vraciu

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Re: Inactive AH skinners please read
« Reply #46 on: June 07, 2020, 12:37:07 AM »
I could objectively tear your work to pieces and describe to you all the subtle detail you do not yet see in your monotone endeavors devoid of rivet deformation, metal fatigue, paint blotching and fading, baked in effects which while less needed with procedural environmental and bump mapping still help sell the skin as authentic but I would be wasting my time because you have to be able to see such intricacies before even attempting to recreate them.

I salute your progress and enjoyment in your artistic endeavors but I do not have any personal interest in your skins which are in the category of proficient and decent.

Oh you could, could you?

See, my skins have ALL those items and then some.   You people think everything is a nail so you always wield a hammer, usually a sledge   Airplanes are actually much more subtle than even I make them.  (I have overdone some of them in these areas to appease the “expectations”  even if that remains unrealistic.   It’s a willing concession.   As is anything you inaccurately describe as monotone—that’s by design and is anything but.)

Swing away...........

I’m looking forward to your expert analysis.  It will be of great benefit to my continuous improvement efforts.   :aok :cheers:

Alas...   Proficient and decent beats snarky and bitter any day.    In any case you’ve clearly not even seen my work with a ridiculous assesment such as that. 
« Last Edit: June 07, 2020, 12:49:50 AM by Vraciu »
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Offline Citabria

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Re: Inactive AH skinners please read
« Reply #47 on: June 07, 2020, 12:50:11 AM »
Dull, monotone and lacking the illusion of photorealism which I enjoy admiring Vr. I have no interest in clubbing baby seals here but don’t puff up with pretentious ego and vanity over your creations and think you are now vet when you are still dweeb.

If it is amazing to me I will call it amazing. If it is not I will not comment unless provoked and antagonized into responding as I have here.
Fester was my in game name until September 2013

Offline Vraciu

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Re: Inactive AH skinners please read
« Reply #48 on: June 07, 2020, 12:53:36 AM »
Dull, monotone and lacking the illusion of photorealism which I enjoy admiring Vr. I have no interest in clubbing baby seals here but don’t puff up with pretentious ego and vanity over your creations and think you are now vet when you are still dweeb.

Again, dull and monotone are the words of a man who has not seen my work.   Dweebery indeed.

If it is amazing to me I will call it amazing. If it is not I will not comment unless provoked and antagonized into responding as I have here.

You’ve been antagonistic, without provocation, from the jump.  Frankly I find you to be a stuff-stirring waste of bandwidth. 
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Re: Inactive AH skinners please read
« Reply #49 on: June 07, 2020, 12:58:14 AM »
Again, dull and monotone are the words of a man who has not seen my work.   Dweebery indeed.

You’ve been antagonistic, without provocation, from the jump.  Frankly I find you to be a stuff-stirring waste of bandwidth.

And that’s sad, btw, because until this thread I actually had some respect for you. 
Charter Member of the P-51 Mustang Skin Mafia
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Offline Citabria

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Re: Inactive AH skinners please read
« Reply #50 on: June 07, 2020, 01:02:55 AM »
If you cannot detect the difference in realism in the desert and OD b25c he posted pics of and your most recent p51 and P38 skins then it is clear you have reached the limits of your artistic perception abilities and thus artistic abilities.

But as long as you are happy with the results of your projects good for you. That is all that matters.

As for me I could wonder if you are familiar with my ancient outdated work in this game but I honestly don’t care.
Fester was my in game name until September 2013

Offline Vraciu

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Re: Inactive AH skinners please read
« Reply #51 on: June 07, 2020, 01:08:39 AM »
If you cannot detect the difference in realism in the desert and OD b25c he posted pics of and your most recent p51 and P38 skins then it is clear you have reached the limits of your artistic perception abilities and thus artistic abilities.

But as long as you are happy with the results of your projects good for you. That is all that matters.

As for me I could wonder if you are familiar with my ancient outdated work in this game but I honestly don’t care.

I find as many flaws in some of his work as you do mine (and anything I’ve ever pointed out to him he has at least acknowledged).  It’s all about perception. 

My most recent P-51 skins are metal.    And they’re about as photo realistic as you can hope for short of 2048 resolution.   As Greebo himself has stated, you cannot expect detail equivalency from a 1024 P-51D in comparison to a 2048 SBD.

My 1024 OD P-38 is is not intended to look like a 2048 desert B-25 with splotches everywhere.   It is designed to look as close to my interpretation of the photo evidence as a cartoon allows given: 1) the resolution limitations of the game—or skin in question i.e. 1024 vs. 2048, etc., 2) the 3D shape’s deformations, and 3) idiosyncrasies with how the engine translates the 2D art.   In some cases, like the nose of the P-38 and P-51, the skinner is forced into at least one of a number of bad choices.    We do our best.

Yeah, I know your work, which is what has made your commentary in this thread (beyond that directed at me—I’m a big boy, I can handle criticism, legit or not) so disappointing.

As for my being happy with my work, no, I’m never happy.  But I have an inbox crammed with messages from players who are, and they’re the ones I’m doing this for. 
« Last Edit: June 07, 2020, 01:31:14 AM by Vraciu »
Charter Member of the P-51 Mustang Skin Mafia
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Offline Citabria

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Re: Inactive AH skinners please read
« Reply #52 on: June 07, 2020, 01:25:17 AM »
I’m a has been never was of an artist and the only work I was ever compensated for with a comped account was rescinded and the promise broken and this thread has stirred up the but hurt I still have about that betrayal.

So I agree. Sad indeed but on the bright side I turned my high powered perception and energy to real life and succeeded brilliantly.

So the virtual tragedy of the Artist and notorious virtual combatant known as Fester had a happy ending in real life.
Fester was my in game name until September 2013

Offline Vraciu

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Re: Inactive AH skinners please read
« Reply #53 on: June 07, 2020, 01:28:35 AM »
I’m a has been never was of an artist and the only work I was ever compensated for with a comped account was rescinded and the promise broken and this thread has stirred up the but hurt I still have about that betrayal.

So I agree. Sad indeed but on the bright side I turned my high powered perception and energy to real life and succeeded brilliantly.

So the virtual tragedy of the Artist and notorious virtual combatant known as Fester had a happy ending in real life.

I think public airing of grievances, particularly in regard to a man not present to defend himself, only diminishes you.   In any event it does nothing to advance your cause.   :salute
Charter Member of the P-51 Mustang Skin Mafia
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Offline Citabria

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Re: Inactive AH skinners please read
« Reply #54 on: June 07, 2020, 01:46:53 AM »
I think public airing of grievances, particularly in regard to a man not present to defend himself, only diminishes you.   In any event it does nothing to advance your cause.   :salute

Aren’t you precious. Sweetheart I am dust in the wind just passing through and I  literally just said in public the only one I give permission to take my babies (skins) and teach them new tricks is greebo who I have known for almost two decades. I don’t know you and your work is good but not great to my eyes and I looked at it as often as greebos.

That’s what this reply was about before it went off the rails with a stroll down memory lane of the catalyst for quitting this game permanently all those years ago.
Fester was my in game name until September 2013

Offline LCADolby

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Re: Inactive AH skinners please read
« Reply #55 on: June 07, 2020, 06:45:58 AM »
Fester's delusions are a good read. Great thread  :aok
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