I loaded up the game a few weeks back - flew offline for awhile, new throttle - joystick setup, it has been over ten years - maybe more since I played on a regular basis, so it is starting all over again.
I am losing the enme all the time- so improvement greatly needed on views control
I am dying way more than killing- nothing new there
my favorite rides in the past were the p47 and the Hurricane - I still suck in those
Last night was the first time in weeks I felt like I was actually having fun, got in some turners and stayed alive for a few turns
Flew some bombers and actually hit stuff.. again a new experience- still am confused as to why I get killed chasing bombers and my gunnery sucks so bad while in a bomber - and I get shot down.. there is some magic involved I am sure- nothing to do with actually having a clue
My opinion- maps are too big for number of current players, but I am sure there is a cost factor involved
Be great to see 5 to 600 players on again, too bad more old timers aren't coming back
My point, it is still a fum immersing game, well worth the renew the learning curve, someday I may be in the top 900 in fighters score