Author Topic: Nose art  (Read 673 times)

Offline Flayed1

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Nose art
« on: August 16, 2020, 02:36:17 PM »
  It's not a game breaking thing but I found that nose art is not showing up on many plane types and on the G4M it shows up backwards.   
  Like I said not game breaking but I remember back 18 some odd years ago when I got accepted into my first squad and was pretty proud to have the squad art on my plane and I still enjoy seeing it.   I also remember when it was plastered to the side of our tanks and M3's. Not so good if you had a bright nose art but still cool to see as you were driving along with fellow countrymen

 Please address when possible. I can't be the only guy who likes seeing squad art on our rides.  :salute
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Offline Arlo

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Re: Nose art
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2020, 02:47:47 PM »
Understood. However, I think it messes with the actual nose art on custom skins. Granted, I'm fortunate enough to be in a squadron based on an historical one and our squadron insignia is featured on three skins in game.

Offline Flayed1

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Re: Nose art
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2020, 09:28:06 PM »
 For me the skin of the aircraft is secondary to squad art because this is a game after all and I am not a historical squad member.  Maybe this is asking to much but maybe Hitech and crew could add in an option to turn on and off in game squad art for people who only want to see historical skins. 
  But again for me personally I get much more out of seeing our and other squads art plastered on a beautiful WW2 aircraft than the historical art.  Not that I don't appreciate the historical art or the effort of the skinners to add it to the game but for me other than the over all color scheme of the aircraft the rest is usually lost on me because anyone can fly with that nose art weather you are part of a historical squad or not where as not everyone gets to have the art of an in game squad unless you join up. 
 I think that squads being able to show their art on panes lets us at least have a little customization on things we fly and drive in a game where very little is customizable.  And before you say anything I am totally on board with only allowing historical paint jobs on the aircraft and vehicles as I believe totally customized paint jobs have no place in AH...  Though the pink Spit 16 and a nice bright yellow stripe down the back of the runstang might be good additions :P
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