Author Topic: Outlaws vs. Marshals: Jan FSO Frame 2 Accumulative Results  (Read 438 times)

Offline AKKuya

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Outlaws vs. Marshals: Jan FSO Frame 2 Accumulative Results
« on: February 03, 2021, 10:53:53 AM »
2 new Marshals were added.  BlkJak23 and Drano.  There are now 8 Marshals with one Outlaw apiece.

Spikes has the lead for the Outlaws with 5 Marshals.

In order to save loading time for the page, i have kept the results strictly in text format alphabetically for both categories.

Marshall Kills

1-08-21 22:48:15 Shot down a Ki-84-Ia flown by SKfgALPO.

1-08-21 23:03:17 Shot down a Ki-84-Ia flown by perdweeb

1-08-21 22:57:04 Shot down a Ki-84-Ia flown by Spikes.

1-15-21 22:34:57 Shot down a Ki-61-I-Tei flown by SKfgALPO.

1-08-21 22:29:15 Shot down a F6F-5 flown by Dh367th.

1-15-21 23:28:22 Shot down a F4U-1A flown by AKWarHwk.

1-08-21 22:43:37 Shot down a Ki-61-I-Tei flown by Nefari.

1-08-21 22:46:44 Shot down a F4U-1A flown by AKKuya.

Outlaw kills

1-08-21 22:40:13 22:40:13 Shot down a Ki-84-Ia flown by AT9Bucks.
1-08-21 22:42:53 Awarded kill as DLO52 crashes in a Ki-84-Ia.
1-15-21 22:36:39 Shot down a Ki-61-I-Tei flown by CANUKK.

1-08-21 22:47:30  Shot down a TBM-3 flown by EmanHill.
1-15-21 22:53:47 Shot down a F4U-1A flown by Doc4.
1-15-21 23:29:35 Shot down a F4U-1A flown by AKBmzawy.

1-15-21 22:39:15 Shot down a F4U-1A flown by Kongkyuk.
1-15-21 22:40:31 Shot down a F4U-1A flown by cuz.

1-08-21 23:01:09 Shot down a F4U-1A flown by tommygun.
1-15-21 22:36:50 Shot down a F4U-1A flown by bgoldy
1-15-21 22:48:14 Shot down a F4U-1A flown by Kyleee.
1-15-21 23:00:13 Shot down a F6F-5 flown by tunes2.

1-08-21 22:42:11 Shot down a F4U-1A flown by AKLray.
1-15-21 22:34:47 Awarded kill as HOtard crashes in a F4U-1A.
1-15-21 22:34:47 Shot down a F4U-1A flown by AKGreyga.

1-08-21 22:42:44 22:42:44 Shot down a F4U-1A flown by Desmo.
1-08-21 22:50:41 Shot down a TBM-3 flown by tunes3.
1-08-21 22:51:00 Shot down a TBM-3 flown by tunes.
1-15-21 23:27:13 Shot down a F4U-1A flown by AKWxMan.
1-15-21 23:28:14 Shot down a F4U-1A flown by yb1.
Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?