This A6M2 skin is to be embedded in the Malaysia special events map, but I'll submit it for the MA too. The default A6M2 skin is from the same group but its a bit old and I have no way of updating it.
Unlike a lot of the IJNAF's early war fighter groups the Tainan Air Group were a land based unit, operating from South West Pacific island bases such as Taiwan and Rabaul. Many of the group's pilots were veterans of the China campaign such as aces Saburo Sakai and Hiroyoshi Nishizawa. From December 7th 1941 they fought over the Philippines, helping to destroy the American air force defending the islands. In January 1942 they moved south to do the same to the defenders of the Dutch East Indies. The campaign in New Guinea followed, the unit's A6M2s flying many long range missions to the main Allied base of Port Moresby. When the Americans invaded Guadalcanal in August Tainan Air Group Zeroes flew escort missions to the island from Rabaul, a trip of 556 miles each way. While their first missions were successful as the USAAF began building up their forces on Guadalcanal the group's losses mounted. In November it was renamed the 251st Kokutai and most of its surviving pilots sent home to train new fighter pilots.