Author Topic: Is one Reverb G2 worth 2 Rift S?  (Read 2191 times)

Offline oboe

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Re: Is one Reverb G2 worth 2 Rift S?
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2021, 08:31:13 AM »
Further- if I remember right, it discharges somewhat quickly on the link cable.  I haven't thought about it in a while because it's been a while since I had a marathon VR session, but I think I was on pace to be getting ~5-6 hours with the link cable.  However, if I was playing on virtual desktop and connected to the charger cable, I believe it appeared to only be losing about 10% per hour or so.

I haven't really checked battery life since I moved to the new motherboard, so I expect it might be different from the ancient one I was using before.


Wiley, how has your experience with AH been going wireless with virtual desktop?   Is your network Wifi 6?

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Re: Is one Reverb G2 worth 2 Rift S?
« Reply #16 on: March 24, 2021, 11:02:33 AM »
I took a crack at it but it didn't work, either in Oculus mode or the second mode it asks you about if you say no to Oculus.  Not sure why, I didn't look at it terribly hard at the time.  I tried the Steam client as well, but it didn't work so I'm not sure why.

I'd be VERY interested in trying it if someone has it working and could tell me how.  It works very well with Skyrim VR, I'm curious to know what it would do here.  Also, if I could run it wirelessly I could hook up the charger to the usb cable and get better battery life, is my main thought process.

My USB link tests out at 2.1Gbps, but I'm slightly underwhelmed with my FR in AH.  It hovers between 60 and 80, which is good enough for me, but I was hoping for/ sort of expecting it to peg at 90.  I haven't taken my settings down super-low to test, but it seems to top out in the mid 80s and dips to the 60s if there's pretty much anything going on on screen.  The one thing I'm happy about is, no noticeable stutter going over giant fields (haven't done it much though) and I haven't seen it go below 50 and change no matter what's going on.

Not sure what exactly my WiFi is.  It's a pretty new router (year or two) from my ISP Shaw, and it's 5GHz.  Like I say, it runs Skyrim very well with moderate modding.  Couldn't tell you if it's WiFi 6 though.

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


Offline oboe

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Re: Is one Reverb G2 worth 2 Rift S?
« Reply #17 on: March 24, 2021, 12:50:11 PM »
Although my FPS using the Reverb G1 went as high as 90 IIRC, my FR with the Quest 2 is steady at 71.   I have the update to the Quest that allows 90Hz and I have it set on that, but I can't get above 71 in AH.

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Re: Is one Reverb G2 worth 2 Rift S?
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2021, 12:56:10 PM »
Just a quick simple question about your Quest 2, did you go into the settings in the Oculus software to enable the 90 fps mode?  I've seen mine hit 89 when the game is loading, then settle in.  It gets into the mid 80s when it's just looking at sky.

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


Offline oboe

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Re: Is one Reverb G2 worth 2 Rift S?
« Reply #19 on: March 25, 2021, 08:29:49 AM »
Just a quick simple question about your Quest 2, did you go into the settings in the Oculus software to enable the 90 fps mode?  I've seen mine hit 89 when the game is loading, then settle in.  It gets into the mid 80s when it's just looking at sky.


Yep, 90Hz is enabled in the Oculus software settings.   I'll have to check it looking at open sky, but is very similar to the behavior I get with Vsync on (which is usual for me).  On my old 60Hz monitor, I got a steady 59fps.  On my new 144Hz monitor, AH reports a steady 143 fps.  And in VR with the Quest 2, I get a fairly steady 71 fps.  Performance drops around a field under attack, but otherwise its fairly steady - except it does seem to behave like its limited somewhere to the 72Hz mode.   

Offline oboe

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Re: Is one Reverb G2 worth 2 Rift S?
« Reply #20 on: March 25, 2021, 02:21:32 PM »
Just double checked, my Quest 2's refresh is set to 90Hz in Oculus software.   I went into AH and flew an A6M5 in CraterMA offline, took it up to 5000ft or so and looked straight up.  AH reports I'm getting a solid 71 fps.  In fact nothing I did, no direction I looked, budged it from 71 fps.  When I bailed out, it preifly dipped to 68 but recovered to 71 within moments.