While hate may be a strong word, and I don't always agree, I dont see Semp go around spewing Vitriol about others situations, or make demeaning statements about States others live in. His attitude has always been patriotic towards the country as a whole - you know the USA.
"California is no longer America in many many ways"
"defense of the west coast homeless and or illegal immigrant sewer hole IMO"
Where can we find the info where California is no longer America? I am encouraged to learn that homelessness is only a "west coast" thing. Now when I visit other States located within OUR country (not located on the West Coast) - and I cast derogatory, and demeaning comments towards others living in tents, and broken down RV's - I will know that these people are not homeless and are more fortunate than those on the West Coast and dont deserve to be looked down upon. Whew. . . lesson learned. ( .EndSarcasm)
Perhaps it is wrong to think most of us were taught common decency. To never stand on a pedestal and put down others for being less fortunate, homeless, addicted to whatever, suffer from mental illness or crow about our good fortunes. The only thing missing here is modesty.