I remember the days when I created the FSO Orders and the 367th were on my side. Never a complaint and always glad to help. A great asset to the FSO community.
There are players looking for some new experiences. Friday Squad Operations will be a place that anything can happen. Getting away from the Melee Arena for a couple of hours, you will get to use aircraft that are hangar queens in the MA. The Campaign Managers (CMs) who design the scenarios do their best to keep the aircraft matched up for the specific time periods and theater areas.
It really comes down to great planning and execution of the players to make memorable moments. I have so many to choose from as a rookie FSO player to being the Side CO to just being a veteran player. As a CM on the FSO Team, I encourage those out there to take a chance and sign up with the 367th and make some memorable moments being the hunters or the hunted. A one life event keeps the Aces High experience the best out there.
PS. The unofficial rule is the FSO squad who can fill all 32 player slots into 2 or more separate wings automatically becomes their own side against the rest of the FSO community.