Author Topic: How you can help fill Scenarios and TFT's. We need the help.  (Read 1091 times)

Offline Brooke

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How you can help fill Scenarios and TFT's. We need the help.
« on: January 23, 2022, 11:55:14 AM »
The hardest thing for Scenarios and TFT's is getting enough players to fly in them.

Most players do not read the message board.  They don't know about Scenarios and TFT's.

We very much need players to help spread the word and to help recruit.

Personal communication by players to other players is by far the most effective.

Here's an example of what I say (via vox or message on the BB):

"Hey, we really need more people to fly with us in a fun battle.  Could you fly with me on February 5th?  We've got N1K2's and Ki-61's.  It's a battle over Bougainville."

If the person says "yes", then:

"Excellent!  So that we can plan participation, if you could go to into the current Target for Today events, and register, that would help a lot."