Ant tips or advice on handling the rear views? I've got the Hat set to give me a backwards peak, but finding that I'm having a heck of a time tracking tracking a bogey. See him in my rearview, then as I pull into him and have to switch to the up view, as soon as I let off the hat, my view snaps to forward. Pretty disorienting. Probably just a practice practice practice thing, but if you have any tips, would love to hear them.
Im the odd duck in the bunch Pfactor, I dont use any look back at all other than my head and spatial awareness. A good snap to center is F10 and it also saves your head pos.
In main menu prior to going online click video settings and set your max textures to the max and set your field of view to 115 degrees then do that again online in Options, preferences, view options.
One last tip that is often overlooked is your IPD settings. set that in your VR headset settings.. if you dont know your IPD you can download an eye measure app on your phone to measure your ipd.. bad ipd can make you crosseyed.
Good luck and if ur a knight hit me up and ill share any wisdom i can with you. Im using Oculus Rift S for 3 years now and fly with touch controllers instead of my hotas now.