It's a common mistake...
They are more advanced in grade school than the US...
Went from 6th grade catholic school in New Orleans to Britains public school - had to wear a blazer and tie - and was taught French..
Every class were more advanced than the catholic school system I had been a part of for grades 1 - 6..
Glad to come back to Florida just in time for the 1st year of the 7th grade centers in the public school system experiment - part of that integration system that went so tie or blazer needed, just an hour each way for the bus to haul us down into the center..
They were way behind the 6th grade catholic schools.
Wow what a concept- wearing something nice to school!
It's appalling at my high school, dress codes are never enforced, so I'll see kids wanting to be "gangsta" with sagging pants, rhinestone belts, and literally wearing balaclava masks in school. Looks unbelievably stupid and they act even more stupid.
Oh, and not to mention a good chunk of the girls dress wayyyy too suggestively. Like seriously. I've seen a boy wearing a hoodie with the F word on it and not get dress coded. Never seen a single dress code punishment, it's a joke.
Then the govm't wonders why there's so many delinquents and abuse victims. GEE I REALLY WONDER WHY.