I'll check that out. I love stuff like that.
It gives a deeper appreciation of the world around you when you learn more about the how things got the way they are. The fact that we use the vestige of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs in our written language today is just too awesome.
Another thing like that that intrigued me when I first learned it was the days of our week.
We have 7 day weeks from the Babylonians who based them on the 7 celestial bodies visible to their naked eye.
(Not the Babylonian names of course)
Some of those were later Anglicized to:
Sun day = Sunday
Moon day = Monday
Saturn day Saturday
Others were replaced with Anglicized references to the Nordic pantheon:
Tīw's Day = Tuesday
Woden's Day = Wednesday
Thor's Day = Thursday
Frigg's Day = Friday
A full moon cycle became a moonth or month.