I'd rake it out so that it's bare dirt. Rake the dirt a little so it's not just hard-pack surface.
Then I'd go to Home Depot and get Tall Fescue and a push spreader. The bag will tell you what to set the spreader's dial to. (Note, this is if spot gets at least 4 hours of sun per day. If it gets less than that, then you need something more for shade, maybe Fine Fescue.)
If you get seed + fertilizer, you put that on. If you get seed, then get also the fertilizer suggested on the bag of seed.
Seed it (and put on fertilizer, if bag says so), and make sure to follow the instructions. It is very easy to cover large areas with a cheap push spreader. So don't worry about getting seed and fertilizer vs. a pre-mix of those. It's not a big deal.
Most-important thing is to follow the watering instructions. You must keep it moist and never let it dry out. Let it dry out once, and the seed will not grow thereafter. If you aren't going to commit to all that watering, don't even start the project.
It takes water every day for 3 weeks to get it going.
Good luck!