Author Topic: Mid War planeset enabled maps in ma rotation  (Read 5606 times)

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Re: Mid War planeset enabled maps in ma rotation
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2023, 06:33:56 PM »

Awesome.  Go get about 500 more. ;)  It will be interesting to see if they stay 6 months.  Keep us informed.

The UI can obviously be improved in many ways.  Some you have mentioned.

Do you think the tens of thousands of trial downloads during the Steam launch that didn't end up with subscriptions were only due to the awkward UI?

[edit]  Have you looked through the reviews left on Steam?  I think outdated UI and graphics were mentioned a lot, but the key take away I got were many were infuriated that the game was listed as F2P but when they started up, they found out it didn't match their definition of F2P (probably because their expectations were set by WT).

Don't get me wrong.  I'm not saying WT is a better game, but I think their F2P model is more successful in luring players to finally get a premium subscription.  At least enough of them to make a lot of money.

Couple of serious questions here.

"Do you think the tens of thousands of trial downloads during the Steam launch that didn't end up with subscriptions were only due to the awkward UI?"

I don't know the numbers for those downloads, and even if I did being there in the moment with the metrics matters more.  Can I say it would have made a difference?  Absolutely.  I mentioned it in my other post about how UI can be a massive boon for a game, Dwarf Fortress (a game that makes AHs complexity level look quite simple, even including BFM learning) recently finished their full overhaul for their UI and went from the developer barely scraping by to suddenly being a millionaire.  Am I saying AH could do the same?  Probably not, but UI matters.

How much does UI matter?  Well, it's the first interaction that a brand new player has with your game.  It's the first experience they'll ever have that's not a YT Video or Stream.  Often we call younger players 'unable to handle the complexity' but it's actually (imo) much more to do with them being VERY good at sniffing out stuff that 'doesn't feel right.' 

These are players used to a streamlined gaming experience, WT works great because it gets you into battle very quickly and painlessly from the word 'go' but it also has its UI setup in a way that funnels you to any option you're after without much hassle.  Meanwhile Aces High has its in-built sound controls hidden behind something as esoteric (to a new player) as joining into an arena, offline or otherwise. 

"Was calling the game f2p a mistake on steam?"

I know that's not exactly how you worded it, but it is the essential question imo.  The answer is quintessentially yes.  Massively overwhelmingly insanely yes.  If you break a player, especially a younger players, trust before they've even had time to figure out your UI then you've lost them for life.  While I don't consider it to be unreasonable to Aces High to label itself as Free to Play, the actual part of the game that everyone loves and enjoys is absolutely not free to play.  The amount of offline content available in comparison to the Main Arena is like comparing a kiddie pool (that you have to make yourself) to the Pacific Ocean.

The thing to understand from WTs pay model is that they are the definition of a 'predatory developer', and the player base is even aware of it.  So many of them want a game that doesn't feel the way WT does to play that they're willing to try all sorts of things.

WT isn't getting you to play because the gameplay is amazing, it demands that you ride the grind train (and use premium time/vehicles to give you massive dopamine boosts) to get anywhere.  Everything is designed around maximizing profits at the cost of player experience, but those players have nowhere else to go, or feel that they don't.   Some 'graduate' to Il-2 and DCS, but while I love both of those games (which isn't to say they don't have issues as well) their complexity often causes a WT player to 'rebound' back to WT because it's approachable.

Be the approachable game and they will approach.  Make active and interesting content with YT and Streamers and they'll look.  But continue losing them at the opening UI and the slow death will continue.  You need young, fresh blood.  People that understand how to use those systems (like social media) to get the name out.  Heck, I would make the YT videos myself if I had a better internet connection. 

Oh, and please don't let Dale argue semantics in the Steam discussion forums.  There is nothing more heartbreaking than seeing a dev come into that pig pit and sling mud with people not interested in anything other than 'game bad :('

Either way, step 1 needs to be tied to the first step that any new player interacts with.  The UI.  At least, from my perspective of literally dragging in new folks and getting their direct feedback.  I'll also happily agree that my amount of people is fairly low, only 5 total newbies, but every single one of them was very direct about the UI being 'past unapproachable.' 

Edit: Typos  :x
« Last Edit: January 12, 2023, 06:47:03 PM by Fenin »
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Offline CptTrips

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Re: Mid War planeset enabled maps in ma rotation
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2023, 07:11:28 PM »
  Am I saying AH could do the same?  Probably not, but UI matters.


"Was calling the game f2p a mistake on steam?"

I know that's not exactly how you worded it, but it is the essential question imo.  The answer is quintessentially yes. 


The thing to understand from WTs pay model is that they are the definition of a 'predatory developer', and the player base is even aware of it.  So many of them want a game that doesn't feel the way WT does to play that they're willing to try all sorts of things.

Absolutely UI is important.  100% agreement.  Especially that initial UI they see on start up.  It should excite them and their imagination and sets the emotional tone of their experience. 

The current UI is utilitarian, and in the airplane is a elegant solution to staying "in-world" while accessing various actions.  It could use refinement as you pointed out.  However, I wouldn't use it as the launch UI or the UI anytime not "in-simulation".

My point is that, IMHO, a lot of todays players downloading the game off Steam are not even getting far enough to evaluate the UI because they are hit with a dialog on start up that they feel pulls the F2P rug out from under them and the sale is already lost RIGHT THERE.  Doesn't matter what UI you show after that.  You've already lost the customer.
You might have lost fewer if you had been allowed to list it as non-F2P, but I think the real answer is to add a F2P plane sub-set.  I think that is how you slowly lure in subscribers nowadays. 

It isn't that I feel listing the game as F2P was a mistake.  I feel that not having added a F2P sub set of planes for the launch was the mistake.

I'm not saying that HTC should adopt all WT predatory practices.  I wouldn't want to see micro-transactions or buying skins or funny hats for your pilot.

What I am saying is that the F2P planeset keeps them engaged longer and enough of them finally convinced to get a full subscription.  I'm not suggesting grinding, but slowing luring them in to get all the planes, to get access to Special Events, to be able to pick their country and not get auto-switched (,406680.msg5386202.html#msg5386202), etc.  I think a subscription is too hard to squeeze out of players nowadays without getting a little more creative about it.  What worked in 1999 is not necessarily working in 2023.  I think WT found a way to get more players to a subscription by letting them have some planes they can play as long as they want.

In general though, I think we are 95% in agreement.

« Last Edit: January 12, 2023, 07:15:53 PM by CptTrips »
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Re: Mid War planeset enabled maps in ma rotation
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2023, 07:21:34 PM »
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Re: Mid War planeset enabled maps in ma rotation
« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2023, 08:13:00 PM »
All of the players that I've brought with me in the last few days are younger WT players and long term ones at that, and every single one of them wants to sub asap. 

Fenin, thank you.  Glad we have all these new players; I wish each of us could bring in five.

I'm sure there are plenty of things that can be improved in AH, there always are.  If I understand "UI" to mean "User Interface," which means "how do I start this thing?", then I'm with you.  Nice big buttons that say "I would like to set up my game controllers," "I would like to fly a test mission," and "I would like to fly against other people now" might be useful.

- oldman

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Re: Mid War planeset enabled maps in ma rotation
« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2023, 08:20:58 PM »

Here is the post I was trying to find.,390589.msg5188631.html#msg5188631

I feel for Dale, but Match Play with prizes was never going to work.  I've never seen any game that wasn't already absolutely blasting on pop get that concept to work realistically, and that includes WT (whose devs are constantly mocked for calling the game 'e-sports ready.')

I bet I can walk thru the mind of the average new player in that scenario but those numbers kind of speak for themselves.  If 65% of people leave before even finding their way to the arena then the only thing they've gotten to interact with is the User Interface.  Clearly the rest of the game behind it never even was opened before them.  Ten minutes of being in the main arena tells another story, they're not being informed enough and clearly. 

I'm sorry, I really am, but the pop out youtube videos are a dev-time trap, no one in my group has watched any of them and I seriously doubt we're outliers.  Even I haven't watched them, but admittedly they weren't for a returning player.  They hear the bass boom and shut it off immediately, they want nothing to do with it.  They're literally the gaming equivalent of a pop up video ad on a website and cause knee jerk closing reactions.  An oldschool 'online' help file would do better, or even a well sorted pdf.  Though, I am likely saying that due to my time in the DCS community where most of us will quite happily sit down with flight manuals from devs or a third party and spend hours pouring over them to glean any information we can.

That 75% that have left before the 30 minute mark clearly never even got to try the actual game, it's pretty clear to me from my limited dataset that the UI is murderous because it's stopping player engagement BUT.

BUT.  I am willing to admit that maybe it isn't, if its not, what other things in the first 30 minutes of software interaction could they have engaged with that would cause such massive offloading?  There's the argument for the game being 'ugly,' which as much as I hate to say it sort of is.  I recently opened a copy of 1998 Warbirds and I hate to say it but the stylized graphics they used are sort of timeless.  Games like Tiny Combat Arena on Steam have started to realize that a put together visual experience often matters more than being photo realistic.  Heck, even my wife thinks Rise of Flight still looks better than most DCS maps, and I agree with her.

You have to really put yourself in the shoes of a brand new player, who has never experienced any game like Aces High.  Who didn't ride in thru the UI of Warbirds, or Fighter Ace (which was way more tortured!) or Air Warrior.  I mean, lord have mercy.  Lets look at Warbirds 2001s UI right now!

There's a design argument to be made that this is, 22 years old or not, more streamlined than the Kneeboard on the main page.  It too could be streamlined more, but I think it starts to show 'what we've gotten used to' isn't always the best.  Lets look deeper though!

Well, that's a pretty simple set of options.  Many of which unsurprisingly are similar to our own.  Can't imagine how that sort of happened.  :neener:  Lets go deeper still!

So, I'm cropping the next image to save some of my internet speed for folks running the slow stuff like myself, but I've selected 'Setup' now.

The Warbirds UI never goes deeper than a Primary -> Secondary functionality.  Its UI is simple, but its clean and easy to flow thru.  It's well named (which ours is as well) and clearly well thought out.  I mean no insult when I say ours isn't well thought out, but it's clear from an outside perspective that its a bit of a mess.  I imagine many of our old hands who were WB players could hop back into that older 2001 version of WB and have next to no culture shock for UI design.

More importantly, my silly ADHD self managed it at 11.  Even now, showing it to the group I fly with they agree that its cleaner, the workflow is smoother.  Sure, it is missing functionality that we have now, but they followed a very clear design setup for their UI.  Nothing is ever more than 2 clicks away.  That includes a help button that opens a (now defunct of course) Windows Online Help file!

Aces High quite single handedly beat the mess out of her sister games.  There's no ifs and or buts of that.  Warbirds and Fighter Ace had major issues as well, and Aces Highs gameplay was just so much better that it was beyond the pale, but the UI has been stretched on far too long in the tooth.  Lessons were clearly learned from the WB team about gameplay, but I hate to say their UI design still has something to teach.  :P

hmu on Discord at Fenny - Feebulous#8008, or don't.  Idc

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Re: Mid War planeset enabled maps in ma rotation
« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2023, 08:24:51 PM »

Fenin, thank you.  Glad we have all these new players; I wish each of us could bring in five.

I'm sure there are plenty of things that can be improved in AH, there always are.  If I understand "UI" to mean "User Interface," which means "how do I start this thing?", then I'm with you.  Nice big buttons that say "I would like to set up my game controllers," "I would like to fly a test mission," and "I would like to fly against other people now" might be useful.

- oldman

Sorry for double posting :)  Yes sir, UI stands for User Interface and its the core level of how anyone interacts with Software generally speaking.  Same goes for how you select files in windows, or interact with a website even.  In some ways it's sort of the digital equivalent of the man-machine interface concept and I hate to say it but AHs UI needs help.  Other things do as well, as I'm sure we're all aware, but without easing player onloading you'll never get the chance to correct the other issues. 
hmu on Discord at Fenny - Feebulous#8008, or don't.  Idc

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Re: Mid War planeset enabled maps in ma rotation
« Reply #21 on: January 12, 2023, 08:31:25 PM »
All of the players that I've brought with me in the last few days are younger WT players and long term ones at that, and every single one of them wants to sub asap.  I can tell you from their raw reactions that the biggest issue isn't the concept of the game (they quite literally feel that AH is everything WT Sim should be) it's the very, very clunky UI that causes them massive amounts of issues.  They desperately love what I've put on the table for them, but they also admit the UI would have scared them off without me.  So far my success rate of handholding them in is 5 out of 6. 

This is a very important observation.  So if the User Interface is the problem, how do we get past that without changing the user interface. Yes, the user interface should be updated.  But that will take time if it ever happens.  How do we get new players started with the current interface?  Would a simple tutorial help?

I ask because I have done some work as a tech trainer.  A few years ago I was working on recruiting some family and friends, and I wrote up a tutorial for the group. (Unfortunately only one of them was nuts enough to join the game, and he had to quit when his computer died).  Having worked as a technical trainer, whenever something like this comes up, the trainer in me rears it's ugly head.
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Re: Mid War planeset enabled maps in ma rotation
« Reply #22 on: January 12, 2023, 08:40:15 PM »
This is a very important observation.  So if the User Interface is the problem, how do we get past that without changing the user interface. Yes, the user interface should be updated.  But that will take time if it ever happens.  How do we get new players started with the current interface?  Would a simple tutorial help?

I ask because I have done some work as a tech trainer.  A few years ago I was working on recruiting some family and friends, and I wrote up a tutorial for the group. (Unfortunately only one of them was nuts enough to join the game, and he had to quit when his computer died).  Having worked as a technical trainer, whenever something like this comes up, the trainer in me rears it's ugly head.

A simple tutorial might help, naturally leading them in by hand is the best option (but also the most time consuming.)

Get those videos off, move the sound options to a reasonable place.  Those are, or I would hope, be very good first steps.  Next, as much as I know I've talked about streamlining we'd need to get a video library sorted and add one more button to the main options page.  Someone with in depth knowledge of the game (or more than willing to ask before planning the video out), free time, and a good internet conection needs to make short videos in playlists that can have a button aimed at them. 

The videos audio quality needs to be decent for their voice, these are baseline essentials.  As funny as it is I'd strongly suggest a UK accented speaker, we Americans are still the highest pop (I suspect) and tend to eat that accent up like skittles.  Whoever that takes the plunge needs to just accept from the word go that what they're doing is essentially volunteer work as well. 

We've asked a lot out of Dale over the decades (go count the B-29 request threads from back in the day, I dare you :P ), the least any of us can do is not demand a paycheck for trying to save something we all love.

I'd even go so far as to reach out to someone like Enigma in the DCS community, you all found his video about the simming dark age and he's very receptive to Sim history.  He might be willing to talk to someone, work something out.  Communication has to be made.  If need be, I can go ask him myself. 
hmu on Discord at Fenny - Feebulous#8008, or don't.  Idc

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Re: Mid War planeset enabled maps in ma rotation
« Reply #23 on: January 12, 2023, 08:47:23 PM »
If 65% of people leave before even finding their way to the arena then the only thing they've gotten to interact with is the User Interface.

And the dialog informing them the game isn't F2P as they feel they were led to believe.

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Re: Mid War planeset enabled maps in ma rotation
« Reply #24 on: January 12, 2023, 08:50:46 PM »

And the dialog informing them the game isn't F2P as they feel they were led to believe.

Yeah I... I have no answer for this.  It's literal suffering.  Change the games desc on steam.  Make it as clear as possible.  That's about all there is to that one.  The best you can do is inform, I think changing to f2p would be software suicide.  I would much rather see Aces High die the slow death than try to pull the predatory development path of 'tiered aircraft unlocks' or 'skin purchases.'
hmu on Discord at Fenny - Feebulous#8008, or don't.  Idc

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Re: Mid War planeset enabled maps in ma rotation
« Reply #25 on: January 12, 2023, 09:12:57 PM »
Yeah I... I have no answer for this.  It's literal suffering.  Change the games desc on steam.  Make it as clear as possible.  That's about all there is to that one.  The best you can do is inform, I think changing to f2p would be software suicide.  I would much rather see Aces High die the slow death than try to pull the predatory development path of 'tiered aircraft unlocks' or 'skin purchases.'

Couple of points just to make sure I made my case clearly.  It's late and my brain is shutting down ;)....

I stated in another reply that I don't want to see the grinding unlocks and decorative micro transactions.  That part of WT they can keep.

I'm not suggesting making the whole game F2P. 

I'm suggesting that the Melee arena have a small sub-set of aircraft that are F2P by players who have not opened full accounts yet.  After your two week trial where you can try all the planes, you then fall back to only being able to fly the F2P planes.  But you are still in the arena.  You are still providing activity, player count,  and a target so the arenas don't look so empty so often.  It gives you a chance to learn the game over a longer time and there would be incentives to eventually break down and subscribe.  And if you don't, you are at least able to help keep the area populated.  The marginal cost of the bandwidth for F2P'er is minimal and at least your "Massively Multiplayer Online Game" doesn't end up looking like a deserted ghost town.  How good of a impression does it make to a potential customer to see only 39 players in the arena?

side note:

I was thinking a few minutes ago (dangerous I know), another incentive you might could give a new play to upgrade to a subscription is that you don't get to have your own name until then.  F2P'er could just be assigned a guid.  Like "Player2034".  When you transition to paying customer, you get to actually choose a handle. 

If you got 40,000 trial downloads and virtually no subscriptions, I have to think there are larger problems than just an awkward UI.  It definitely needs to be improved, but I think there are other core deal breakers that have to be addressed or you will never move the needle.

But of course none of that will happen anyway.  So we're jsut debating how many angels could dance on the head of a pin. ;)
« Last Edit: January 12, 2023, 09:18:44 PM by CptTrips »
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Re: Mid War planeset enabled maps in ma rotation
« Reply #26 on: January 12, 2023, 09:30:25 PM »
Couple of points just to make sure I made my case clearly.  It's late and my brain is shutting down ;)....

I stated in another reply that I don't want to see the grinding unlocks and decorative micro transactions.  That part of WT they can keep.

I'm not suggesting making the whole game F2P. 

I'm suggesting that the Melee arena have a small sub-set of aircraft that are F2P by players who have not opened full accounts yet.  After your two week trial where you can try all the planes, you then fall back to only being able to fly the F2P planes.  But you are still in the arena.  You are still providing activity, player count,  and a target so the arenas don't look so empty so often.  It gives you a chance to learn the game over a longer time and there would be incentives to eventually break down and subscribe.  And if you don't, you are at least able to help keep the area populated.  The marginal cost of the bandwidth for F2P'er is minimal and at least your "Massively Multiplayer Online Game" doesn't end up looking like a deserted ghost town.  How good of a impression does it make to a potential customer to see only 39 players in the arena?

side note:

I was thinking a few minutes ago (dangerous I know), another incentive you might could give a new play to upgrade to a subscription is that you don't get to have your own name until then.  F2P'er could just be assigned a guid.  Like "Player2034".  When you transition to paying customer, you get to actually choose a handle. 

If you got 40,000 trial downloads and virtually no subscriptions, I have to think there are larger problems than just an awkward UI.  It definitely needs to be improved, but I think there are other core deal breakers that have to be addressed or you will never move the needle.

But of course none of that will happen anyway.  So we're jsut debating how many angels could dance on the head of a pin. ;)

Oh for sure, the maps list needs to be heavily culled and redesigned.  Some of the maps we have are even still fantastic, but need smaller versions.  Focus the remaining players down and the action will get more serious as result, then you'll still have the old maps if pop ever jumps up.  I would like to learn to use the mapping tool, it quite literally can't be any worse than the garbage map maker for the game I've dev'd for for half a decade plus is. 

I'm reeeaaaalllly not sold on Free to play being a good fix, my bigger concern though is that 15$ means a lot less in 2023 than it did in 2001.  I'm honestly terrified of it going up, personally.  That would be a big straw on the camels old back, but surely that won't happen.

Arena pop of late has been okay, but I have to basically forget the days of 400~ people all tooling around like maniacs.  The less I think of that, the less I remember how good 'it was' and the more I take in how it's still good now the better.  Even the Open Source game I dev for would have a server (and a few do) rock it hard at 100 people on.  My own server barely gets 35~ at the highest pop times of the day.  I won't go into more detail on the game, suffice it to say its not flight sim related and the population is often pretty awful people.  But I do have a volunteer staff of around 15~ people who develop freely.  Basically my job is to wrangle cats that I don't pay when it comes to that.

I will say I'm a strong advocate for open source, but seeing as how I'm also an advocate for people making a living I don't think that's a good option either.  Though, I would beg Dale that if the doors do ever close to please, please, please, please put everything he can into an atleast semi-open lisence on Github and let those that come after do what they can.  For the love of god do not let the lineage of Air Warrior/Warbirds/Aces High disappear.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2023, 10:24:02 PM by Fenin »
hmu on Discord at Fenny - Feebulous#8008, or don't.  Idc

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Re: Mid War planeset enabled maps in ma rotation
« Reply #27 on: January 13, 2023, 11:33:23 AM »

I'm reeeaaaalllly not sold on Free to play being a good fix,

Well, rest easy.   It won't happen, nor will anything else.

(The following is IMHO. but I'm not going to put it after every sentence...)
I still maintain it is now probably the best approach to try and coax users into subscribing.  It's a different market than it was in 1999.  New expectations have been set by games like WT.  Players want a F2P sub-set of planes that they can play forever even if they don't subscribe.  I believe that the vast majority of WT subscribers probably started out thinking they would never subscribe.  I bet they were thinking, "Ohhhh.  I'll fool them.  I'll just stick with the free stuff and never subscribe! " WT says, "No problem.  Have fun and enjoy the free planes as long as you want."  And bit by bit, day by day, they keep showing them all the cools stuff they could have if they just subscribed.  Eventually they break down and say, "Oh WTH.  I really want all the other stuff so I guess I will subscribe."  At least enough of them over time to fund continued new development.   If you had given them an ultimatum in the first minute of them interacting with you they will just give you the finger and go elsewhere.  We all know AH has it's charms.  But it might take months of playing to start to recognized their full depth.  Come to think of it, I played the beta for months before HTC started charging.  By the time they were starting to charge I was all in.  Not sure how I would have reacted to a two week ultimatum.     

I think in the current gaming market, the "two week trial then subscribe or f'off" approach is as obsolete as the "pay per hour" model was when HTC decided to innovate with a flat rate. 

But it doesn't matter anyway.  I think new development is now off the table (per HTC's New Years announcement).  Breaking bug fixes, player made maps, player made skins, player made terrains, and player run events are all you can expect from here on.  ;)

For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, 'It might have been'.


Oh, and sorry for hijacking your thread Eagler. I'm done now.  ;)

« Last Edit: January 13, 2023, 11:42:59 AM by CptTrips »
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Re: Mid War planeset enabled maps in ma rotation
« Reply #28 on: January 13, 2023, 11:56:22 AM »
If it is productive back and forth I do not consider it hijacked

Hoping HT changes his mind on day and offers a f2p planeset but I got the feeling he doesn't want a bunch of non paying customers whining like his pay subs do now  :azn:

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Re: Mid War planeset enabled maps in ma rotation
« Reply #29 on: January 13, 2023, 03:52:25 PM »
If it is productive back and forth I do not consider it hijacked

Hoping HT changes his mind on day and offers a f2p planeset but I got the feeling he doesn't want a bunch of non paying customers whining like his pay subs do now  :azn:


I know Hitech hates posting to the boards because he gets bombarded with replies/questions when ever he does post something...... but I wish he would post an explanation to why he doesnt think a F2P plane set in the MA wont help at all. Maybe it wont bring in new subs, but even if it doesnt it still add population to the arenas Thats a plus as more targets and it makes the numbers in population "look" better. Even if it only converted 3% of the free players that better than the last report of conversion numbers we got.

As for cost, I cant see where it will cost HTC any more due to the fact that the servers and systems are already in place and I would think its paid for by the current subs.

Its too bad he doesnt want to do it. For a bit of coad work it could atleast bring in some players looking for the "free ride", and get us some more players, even if they dont stay around.

And to sweeten the pot, do a relaunch on Steam advertising the free planes set, New Maps, and a top notch VR system second to none.