Bf 109G-6 flown by Friedrich Eberle,
Gruppenkommandeur of III/Jg 1 in the fall of 1943. This aircraft, W.Nr. 160303 was originally photographed in October 1943, before Jg 1 adopted it's emblem or red tail band. At that time, Eberle had white chevron markings, customary for a Gruppe leader as well as a red and white spiraled prop spinner. The plane was photographed again in November with the chevrons over-painted with RLM 02 gray and the number 20 applied. This was done in accordance with a new policy in Jg 1 of not using chevrons for the aircraft of it's unit commanders. The Jg 1 emblem and red tail band were also adopted between photographs. Eberle'sa plane was photographed on final time on January 30, 1944 - this time by the gun camera of a P-47 flown by Lt. Robert Booth of the 359th Fighter Group. This footage showed a non-standard camouflage pattern on the wings. Eberle survived being shot down by Lt. Booth. He was transferred to Jg 4 in July and was leading it's III Gruppe on the Operation Bodenplatte raid of Jan 1, 1945. His Gruppe was the last to arrive at the target area and was prevented from attacking do to heavy AAA fire. Eberle was court marshaled for "Cowardace in the face of the enemy" but was acquitted of the charge, but he was removed from combat duty for the remainder of the war.