This is an adoption of VonMessa's original skin.
Bf 109G-6 flown by Elias Kuhlein of 4./Jg 51 in the summer of 1944. II/Jg 51 would spend most of 1944 bouncing around the Balkans, calling various airfields in Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Romania it's home. They were tasked with intercepting American bombers raiding from Italy. Kuhlein's well worn aircraft features personal artwork of yellow eyes on the cowl bulges. The Jg 51 emblem is painted on the left of the cowling and the II Gruppe emblem of a shield with a sword piercing the 4 roundels of the Allied nations was painted on the right. White lower wingtips indicate that this aircraft can be traced all the way back to Italy in 1943. A corresponding tail band is covered up by RLM 75 and blended with the RLM 74 on the top. The rudder was painted white, denoting that Kuhlein was a flight leader.