Author Topic: Open Kneeboard---pretty handy  (Read 392 times)

Offline Drano

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Open Kneeboard---pretty handy
« on: June 22, 2023, 09:50:51 AM »
Been messing around with this app lately. Pretty handy in VR or 2D for some stuff, especially if you fly DCS or MSFS. Haven't messed with DCS but looks like it's primarily set up for that. I use it for MSFS adding approach plates and checklists into it. Set it up for AH last night. Don't know what all I might use it for here other than for FSO orders, maps and setups. It's cool the stuff they come up with. It's an overlay that works in both SteamVR and OpenXR. Basically another clipboard you can put things like pdfs and images on that you can scroll through as needed. It'll sit where you want it in VR until you glance at it when it'll get bigger so you can read it. Not really intuitive getting it positioned and sized but once it's set up, you're good to go. You can bind buttons to switch profiles from one game to the next or from one folder of stuff to another and page through what's in there. I have that all going through voice attack where there's a folder of small exe's for all of it in the program which is a cool feature. Anyway, I thought I'd pass it along as I didn't see a post about it.
80th FS "Headhunters"

S.A.P.P.- Secret Association Of P-38 Pilots (Lightning In A Bottle)

FSO flying with the 412th Friday Night Volunteer Group