I think there's such a thing you could call "Michael Jackson-syndrome". If you don't get criticism for anything then that's not normal for a human whose evolution is small community-based. You just wander farther and farther off into your own delusions which you mistake for reality. Look at the bizarre anti-reality which is social media. Sometimes it's unpleasant or confrontational or insulting to get a reality-check or be told what you actually do or are, but necessary.
There's a lot of talk about the sandbox nature of the game: it's your $15 and you can do what you want. That's also true yes and no because Aces High is inherently an interaction between people, a community and that has a momentum and rules of its own.
Underneath all that there is the typical human-conflict theme which seems ever-present. I'm in the same opposite position to the 'castrati' as Shane is. There's just opposed ideologies of why you play. Those who play purely for results will always find the easiest / most efficient / productive path to flow down. Where it becomes an irreconcilable conflict is where comparison of score and results is pressed on you to be meaningful to those who play for fun, challenge or self-development. Conversely the 'numbers-never-lie' group simplistically point to they score. Then there's a range of positions in between those two extremes. Those camps will never resolve their differences.
I'd suggest to HTC (if there was any practical point to do so

) relaxing the PM restraint which might get some of the heated and not generally relevant remarks off the public channel. Make more channels cross country even, like radio stations. I'm sure a political one would be quite popular. Radio 1410 ACM would probably go out of business though