Deliberately misrepresenting my position, and then scoffing at the straw man argument you prop up, suggests to me you realize damn' well there is something to this. Are you the moderator in question?
Or maybe you're just stupid. That's equally possible.
To (re)summarize:
I got a total of six (I think) proxies on that Tu2/pilot sortie, four on the person who bailed after resupping the strat I'd recently hit. The kills in this tour are in the database for all to see. Of the seven pilot" kills" I have this tour, four were from HOVE (the resupper) and I think (not sure, I was afk some of the time) two of the other three were from another resupping goon. That's also checkable in the database should you need additional data but the HOVE thing should be evidence enough.
And when I mentioned on country ("look at the goons looking for me"), ~2 minutes later I "crashed" (not "died," as you inaccurately represent) while standing still, arm raised high, aiming at a C47 and wistfully hoping it would get closer.
When does a pilot on the ground EVER "crash"? How could that even happen? Pilots die...and disco...and get captured. But crash?
Something seems rotten in Denmark here.
None of the data you throwing around "proves" anything but that you have some proxies.
Cybro makes a living on proxies and Ive never seen him/her complain about getting "crashed" because he was too hard to find.
I am VERY sure that a MOD can NOT "bail/crash" a player. If they could there would have been a lot of talk about it on the boards over the last 22 years, and I miss very little that goes up on the boards.
IF <----- and thats a big IF

it happened the way you say it did I would think it more likely that it was a glich with the internet connection, your computer, or the game in that order.
Your internet connection is the easiest thing to blame as it has so many variables. How many servers, switches, connections, fiber connection and converters and power station does your signal go through to get from your place to HTC?
Your computer may have had a burp and dropped you easily.
Could there be something in the game? I doubt it. First there is cybro. Then there are all those tankers that would hide in the trees and collect their proxies ( I know its about the only way I can get a kill in a GV

). And if it had happened before or frequently like I said you certainly would have heard it here. There was a number of people who complained about cybro flashing dars and doing nothing but picking up proxies and Hitech said something along the lines or "he was breaking no rules and if that how he wanted to play the game, it was his $15", so there is no reason, even if they could for a MOD to "crash" you.