Sunday was fun times. Bishops won MA map in morning, Rooks afternoon, Knights evening.
This game is awesome!

Sounds like a well rounded 16 hrs to me.
All things are possible. Peaks and valleys.
The average peak numbers seem to be higher too. Still over critical mass of 100-120 at US prime time. I can’t base much on only being back 8 mos. But we’ve been up to 130-160, it was like 120 max when I came back. IMO, anything over 120 game play starts to get better, especially on smaller maps. I was hoping to hit 160 by late fall, it came last week. At the current rate its *possible* to hit 180 by mid to late winter.
Can’t scientifically attribute the climb to anything without data. But I have noticed views on my my videos alone, has increased from average 5 per day to 10+. Thats not epic, but if 900 views brings 10 players it was worth it. There are quite a few new well done videos out there that help massively. I’m just guessing, there’s no hard proof of anything. It just seems to be the only way to get the word out the game is still running and updated to III since most left. Its possible videos are helping.
That said, what could be slowing growth is whats allowed here and 200 is bat-&$@! crazy. More policing effort needs to be made instead of me lighting my own hair on fire to attempt it. I expected hate thrown at me. We all know what issues there are and who’s causing them makes us row upstream. Its disheartening to players who do much work to better the game and numbers is tolerated. IMO, the pay off for these good hearted folks is that the higher ups, who benefit, step up their game on getting a handle on things that make those efforts pointless. Its not right. We’ve proved the numbers can be moved. Its worthy to throw these people a bone with better policing and even a tiny update for the deep hearted good intensions. That’s what friends do. If I’m going to be a friend I’m going to be honest, ya might not like what I say, but you can count on your last breath its honest, as I know it. I expect the same in return, thats what friends do. Its prime time to redeem ourselves.
To the rest, take note…above all the infighting that may happen, we ALL have the same interest and passion in AH. Thats the core of all of us, you’re my brothers, and sisters, in this world of escape. This sim is adrenaline flow only AH is setup to incite. Disagreements and taunting are healthy and expected, but keep hate on a leash. Know your limits. I honestly believe the best pilots of the genre are in this sim. Its very competitive. its okay to be humble too. Its a never ending learning process. Don’t be a baby seal. Good people do bad things, bad people do good things. Leave room for error. We all mess up. Learn to forgive. Thats a true brotherhood. Laugh.
This reply may be worthless drivel, it may be misplaced, its just morning coffee spewing, but the post itself shows what is still possible. Some call me obsessed, but thats what required in this case to get over the hill, the rest is on the long lived community, and HT. It can be done. If you hate me its prolly cause you’re out of line and a negative impact on efforts made.
