What APP are you using to connect to your PC?
No app other than the Oculus. I start the Oculus, go to Rift settings where it shows if you are connected via USB or Wireless. Once wired connection is established, a white Matrix-like grid appears and AH, DCS, and any other "connected" games are shown. Use the Oculus controller and click... do the nose peak to the monitor, click on AH pop up for using Oculus and game starts up... and then drops at random intervals, usually after a climb to 30k chasing a set of bombers.

I got a new cable and it fixed my disconnects, Alpo.
I just saw that Amazon has delivered my new one... here's hoping

I was having that issue. USB hub with external power adapter solved it.
This is next on the "fix-it" list. The USB I'm using is on the backside of this PC which, to be fair, is 12 years old so I guess I can put a few more dollars into it