ENY is just a red herring and an excuse.
It hasn't stopped any of the fluctuating hordeing from all 3 sides; some just have to deal with it for a slightly longer period of time during the day.
That is not its purpose. Its purpose is to limit the team with the numbers by taking away the superior equipment. You are to fight with your numbers instead of good equipment.
It's an excuse that it prevents people from flying their preferred rides (how long has this been going on now?)
No it doesnt, you can always switch sides to fly what you want
If anything, ENY could use some moderate tweaking across the entire spectrum.
The underlying issue is very few want to step out of their comfort zone. This has always been the case, it's just more noticeable now.
Agreed, some of the numbers on certain planes are a bit off.
Auto country and auto plane/gv assignment would fix it all up ... be interesting for a change too..
.....and the game would close in a week. They cant get players to voluntarily switch for a bit and you want to force them to switch?