There may be "more" win the war/gvers but there are still plenty of fights to be had. A few Rooks squads do nothing but fight. It may look like they are after a base, but if its a bunch of ponies, its the chicken tail and they couldnt care less about a base take. The same goes for the BT's. See a bunch of YAKs, and it has pretty much nothing to do with a base take. Fights are there, you just have to look for them more than you use to. Use to just fly to a front and you'd find a fight, now adays, not always, but they are still there.
I sit here and a 1/4 Century later after first turning this SIM on I have grown into some of the "Best Friend" type of fellow relationships with players who taught me what it is like to feel a few real G's in his kickass stunt plane...Aces Hight for me was never just one of those games I would forget about.Rob showed me how to take off and land his planes... Show me ANY OTEHR sim out there that guarantees the same sort of friendships for the players.I have several friends that I've made over the past few decades. As far as any other flight sim out there for me there is not yet one that even comes close to Acers High!
No need for an either/or situation, the Match Play arena could remain as it is now, as part of the free package, for those who like it.
Yup, just re-open A1, A2 & A3 as well is all that's needed. If you want to go crazy get rid of the score and the daft System kill messages too. Different environment entirely.The densisty of the kind of fights-per-hour I liked was simply way higher at the furball lake. With the lower player numbers and specialised base-takers the MA is less appealing the ever. Wasting time chasing ghosts just disillusions you with the whole hobby. You'd only need one or two other Furbal lake players for a dozen fun fights a day. Way more than what is available right now IMHO**Possibly skewed a little by my EU Timezone
I am sure everyone knows it, but there is a "Furball Lake" with 3 bases at 5k, air spawns to each base, and the center of the lake, in Match Play. Other options in the arena exist for other, skill sets.