Not true. I would argue that a vote would win with the majority of players.
"Gamey" aspects (feet dry spawns/ off map flying) can and will at some point be stopped. Like when the IL2 used to have external view and players would exploit it. Off map flying is gamey, cowardly and really degrades game play
I would argue that voting would be detrimental to the game. If we actually voted on everything, in a couple weeks you’d have unlimited ammo, fuel, and nukes. None of which would be good for game play.
Sometimes the stupid gamey stuff just needs to be put in check (dad need to get his belt out) because it’s bad for the game as a whole. The singular point of this game is simply to engage other players in combat. Flying off map contradicts that very premise.
There are going to be people who chime in with things like “you want me to play your way” and BS like that. That’s not true. What I want is for you to play with the rest of us. If your goal is to avoid other players to the extent that you need to fly off the map, I will argue that this community won’t miss you if you lose that ability.