Author Topic: Dow up 1,300 today.  (Read 2094 times)

Offline RUSH1

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Re: Dow up 1,300 today.
« Reply #15 on: November 08, 2024, 01:02:15 PM »
Which is not really on subject, but ok.

My point is; some used someone else as a tool to “get revenge” or just be cruel to the defenseless, with the notion these decisions only affect the targeted. In reality, they did it to themselves as well. Its like both sides stand in a circle, soaked with gas, and the ones seeking revenge light a match, thinking only the others will burn, then shocked they are burning too.

Billionaires don’t become billionaires by helping the poor. They took all the money which is why the other is poor.

Elon Musk stocks jumped $12 billion. How does that help you? That doesn’t bring food prices down, or lower mortgage. The markets do not affect you as much as they affect shareholders. Shareholders get rich by gouging you.

I use I-90 tollway for commute. At first tolls were $1.25, $2 to cross a bridge into Chitcago. Those two tolls $6.50 round trip.

Your tribe made it legal to sell a state owned tollway to a private firm, “privatization”.
First firm did nothing to it but took the money, to show profit for shareholders.

They then sold it to another firm who dies work on it. However, tolls are now $4.50, $8.60 to cross the bridge.
Those two tolls from $6.50 to now $26.20 round trip. TO SHOW PROFIT FOR SHAREHOLDERS.

They gouge us so SHAREHOLDERS get rich off us. Shareholders by shares because you’re buying that product. They don’t want prices to drop, if they do they sell those shares.

When markets go up its optimistic that you have more money to give them. If you bank that money instead they lose. Spend big.

Markets effect the corporations that gouge you.

Last 6 yrs high markets, very high corporate profits. Yet you have reason to think the economy sucks while markets are high, its not going to your pocket.

The prices we pay now are corporate gouging well over inflation using inflation as an excuse.

Yall bit the smoke and mirrors and just voted for your own real enemy.  Elon got rewarded, not you. Now he funnels money to the one who made it possible. Conspiracies made a lot of people rich. You got nothing. Conspiracies are money pyramids. Someone made money from them.

Best thing that could happen is I’m (and millions of others) wrong about what someone told me they are.

If the power of suggestion doesn’t work, nothing will. Then ya have to just stand back and let them learn the hard way, then it will really stick.

You wish

I mean the thread IS a troll, right?

Actually I’m entertained by the false positive.
Blame only rolls one direction now.

I’ll enjoy the future view. It can’t not come. Hope you can handle what ya been dishing out.

I only have 5-10 yrs left on earth. Go ahead and ruin it. You’re not hurting me (disappointment, I know). I really don’t care.

Your kids and grandkids will suffer the consequences more than me. <shrug> :)

Breaking News; Too late for second thoughts now

“Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty.” - Ronald Reagan

Offline AKIron

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Re: Dow up 1,300 today.
« Reply #16 on: November 08, 2024, 01:42:16 PM »
You can invest in the market and make yourself one of those shareholders getting rich. No one is stopping you. Also, your 401k is exactly that, and if you have a fund that had Tesla in it, you benefited from that growth too. Thats the beauty of market capitalism. Billionaires aren't here to help the poor, but they have helped far more not be poor by giving them jobs and allowing them to invest and be a shareholder too in whatever stock they want to buy. That guy could make 100-200k in a stock play and change his life because of it. That's the beauty of market capitalism.

Now I understand about tolls and think a full toll highway is unjust, but if a private company owns the highway than they have a responsibility to maintain and grow the highway system with the profits since it is a public operation. Of course the prices will increase, just like taxes and everything else, so you a public have to pressure officials to lower them.

I like how Florida does it where you can decide if you want to use tolls or not to skip the traffic. And divide the highway to make it safer. They are lightyears ahead of most states highway systems from what I've seen. Constantly making updates and new bridges to solve traffic congestion.

I've driven all over the country. Our last long trip was about a year and a half ago when we drove a U-Haul from Idaho to Texas. The roads in the absolute worst condition were those in Colorado. Especially near Denver. Took a wrong turn in Oklahoma and wound up on some dirt roads. Even those weren't as bad.
Here we put salt on Margaritas, not sidewalks.

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Re: Dow up 1,300 today.
« Reply #17 on: November 08, 2024, 02:47:10 PM »
I'm super happy with how things turnd out. The insanity is almost over. Thank God. ICOM for short.

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Re: Dow up 1,300 today.
« Reply #18 on: November 08, 2024, 02:54:06 PM »
Onne example of sanity being resestablished.  Closing the floodgates. I don't know how anyone can be against this.

President-elect Donald Trump said this week that his incoming administration has “no choice” but to carry out mass deportations of illegal immigrants, regardless of how much it may cost.

Speaking with NBC News on Thursday, the president-elect was asked about how much it would cost to carry out his deportation plan, which he made reference to numerous times during his presidential campaign.
“It’s not a question of a price tag,” Trump said, adding that “really, we have no choice.”

“When people have killed and murdered, when drug lords have destroyed countries. And now they’re going to go back to those countries because they’re not staying here. There is no price tag.”

His campaign had pledged to expel about 11 million people who are not authorized to be in the United States, although Trump himself has said he believes that as many as 21 million are in the country illegally. ICOM for short.

Offline Firetech

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Re: Dow up 1,300 today.
« Reply #19 on: November 08, 2024, 02:54:36 PM »
100% stolen election.
Hundreds of lawsuits will be along soon.

Everyone is forgetting that the current president has immunity now. He'll just declare all new electors. Not a damn thing anyone can do about it.

Harris will 100% be on board since she will be the next president.

No need for a "peaceful" protest. It's all been setup already.

How soon folks forget the golden rule.

Harris is your next president. Plain and simple.

FAFO I believe is the term.

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Re: Dow up 1,300 today.
« Reply #20 on: November 08, 2024, 03:06:38 PM »

There is no blanket immunity. It's specific to acts done in accordence to  a President's dutiees, as it should be.

Stolen. that's a good one!

 :rolleyes: ICOM for short.

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Re: Dow up 1,300 today.
« Reply #21 on: November 08, 2024, 03:07:49 PM »
super happy! Morning in America!

 :rock ICOM for short.