This is NOT going to turn into a 128 page post about DCS many try and leave and can no longer support their expensive aircraft and has substandard game play. I guess if refueling a jet is the exciting part, that speaks for the rest of sim. There’s so little human to human playing they never develop skills to go up against a human. I’ll put an AH pilot up against the Pretty Manakin pilots any day. That sim has reached its peak a cpl yrs ago. Then ED burned subcontracted developers of pay, who now refuse to fix any bugs in the AC they still sell knowing of existing bugs.
ED kinda like Musk, they take credit for the work of others who they then rip off.
That sim is no longer growing
Nick is in scam mode to save what he screwed up.
AH is a completed game with very low bug count. Doesn’t empty wallets. You’re flying within 10 secs, AI is not the main target because of poor game play.
AI is a bandaid for what the fail in providing, authentic MP MA. AI a substitute for genius. Pretty graphics with nowhere to go.
Pretty Planes wish they had our game play, why they hang here. Memories of true excitement.