It's good and all, but as a potential draw/ad for new players, it might be a bit off-putting to see 17s being flown that way.
And when it comes to market appeal, you really have to identify the market. I have a friend who plays WarThunder, I've shown him a bit of AH. He does have an interest in the persistent world, but once HT dropped that character development aspect (ala "grind") a market was lost.
Today's multiplayer games are generally capped server numbers and mission based (for the grind) and relatively short time investment per mission - insta fun so to speak - that gives you an immediate feedback. Compared to the persistent world where we're still on a map 2 days later that immediate feedback isn't as present. Sure, someone can feel good about helping take a base, pork a strat, whatever in the moment, but it doesn't taste quite the same as seeing your personal "avatar" making progress.
Here's another perspective, most persistent worlds are first person and often have a cooperative aspect with other players - and these typically involve character development arcs. That AH train has left the station, and it did indeed have potential.
The actual market is former players (many who went to il-2 or dcs and regret it, also being too prideful to crawl back here and re-subscribe, lol) and... those who may already possess some of the optimal hardware (joystick, etc) and this would be WarThunder... this brings us back to the insta-action individual grind vs cooperative persistent world appeal.
It does indeed come down to marketing in some manner which brings me back to the original point i made about GOATs videos being awesome, but not necessarily an appeal.