I enjoy opinion and news. Always have. This a list of what is in my bubble of who I drop in daily.Dana Bash, Wolf, and Jake Tapper on CNN. Brett Bare, The 5 and Jessy on FOX. Flip board and X online.I cant watch News Max nor MSNBC because of my gag reflex. I would add The Faukner Focus to my gag list also..That's my bubble, what's yours ?
That's my bubble, what's yours ?
All of the above + Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert (can't handle news without a good chuckle).
https://rumble.com/c/JordanSatherJordan Sather - young guy, use to think he was a shill when he first started, but over the years I've followed and find him to be genuine and he goes a lil bit deeper that MSM and covers things they won't. Very knowledgeable about UFOs and the community and calls out a lot of BS.https://x.com/RealGeorgeWebb1George Webb - Goes deeper than anyone. Has spent a good chunk of his savings to become a traveling journalist. Probably one of the best out there. No one does a level of digging like him and his team does. If you want the deepest info, this guy is it. https://rumble.com/user/AmazingPollyAmazing Polly- she's a Canadian. Very good researcher. Her older stuff is really great. She's a big connect the institutions and people type.