Need to add: Carver, Poppy, surfinn, 321BAR, 1sum41 - all great pilots and gentlemen! Hope I see you in the air some day
Where's Rud3boi?
I think he's in Queens.- oldman
Pervert, 2Bighorn, sunsfan, NathBDP, Stang, TC and Badboy deserve to be in that list or honorable mentioned.
With me... it's the first 10 red players i run into after I log in.. and 2cmex is a bully!!! Lol man he can fly as well as skyyr rud, Lazerr, pico,vio,fugi,trog, etc as well as some that I haven't seen in 20 years TJ and his pony(tonyjoey)
Just talked to Stang a cpl nights ago in MA.