Author Topic: Plane of the Tour  (Read 2022 times)

Online Lazerr

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Plane of the Tour
« on: January 22, 2025, 01:43:03 PM »
I thought i remember this idea from the past.  Players pool money and or prizes, monthly, bi-monthly whatever.  Winner of the previous tour picks a plane with minimum eny of let's say 25 ENY.

Would anyone else contribute to something like this and help run it?

With the complaints and over use of low ENY rides being noticeable lately, maybe this is a way we could curve the usage as a community?

I think an app like venmo is easy enough to use to collect.  Everyone is eligible, even if they don't contribute to the pool.

Offline Animl-AW

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Re: Plane of the Tour
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2025, 02:29:38 PM »
Good example of someone thinking outside the box, instead if settings to play wack-a-mole.
No offense to those who tackle settings.

The idea would need some refining, but I’m interested in seeing where it goes.

Keep in mind, many vets, like myself, are retired and many on fixed income that may not afford it, even if they want to.

Also, someone brought up similar KOTH approach.

Its not a horrible idea. IMO.

Here’s an idea, how about approach a company like flight controls or VR to donate a prize if we advertise their product as a sponsor. This idea may conflict with HTC.  You can draw in new players just for that.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2025, 02:33:26 PM by Animl-AW »

Online Lazerr

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Re: Plane of the Tour
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2025, 03:03:35 PM »
I personally would throw 25 bucks a month at it the first few months to see the response.  If it's always the same dude that plays 14 hours a day, probably not effective.  If you log in primetime and see p47d11s everywhere, it has some value.

Again, no payment needed to qualify.

Maybe we only do it even numbered months?  If even 10 guys coughed up 10 bucks, it could be fun.

My gut tells me those remaining are stuck in their ways though.

Hopefully I'm wrong.

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Re: Plane of the Tour
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2025, 03:03:50 PM »
I thought i remember this idea from the past.  Players pool money and or prizes, monthly, bi-monthly whatever.  Winner of the previous tour picks a plane with minimum eny of let's say 25 ENY.

Would anyone else contribute to something like this and help run it?

With the complaints and over use of low ENY rides being noticeable lately, maybe this is a way we could curve the usage as a community?

I think an app like venmo is easy enough to use to collect.  Everyone is eligible, even if they don't contribute to the pool.

I don't have time to run anything and I don't even have time to play the damn sim currently but I'll throw some cash in the pot for this. It sounds fun and intriguing.
I'll keep an eye out for a Venmo link or whatever if this thing gets rolling.
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Offline Banshee7

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Re: Plane of the Tour
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2025, 03:07:11 PM »
If it's always the same dude that plays 14 hours a day, probably not effective. 

Using Highest Kill/Time with a minimum of 50 kills or something like that would prevent that from being an issue.  Highest kill/time with at least 50 kills and 1.0 K/D in that plane? 
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Re: Plane of the Tour
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2025, 03:12:10 PM »
Using Highest Kill/Time with a minimum of 50 kills or something like that would prevent that from being an issue.  Highest kill/time with at least 50 kills and 1.0 K/D in that plane?

Even this could still be gamed, more so if the pot got large enough.
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Offline Eagler

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Re: Plane of the Tour
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2025, 03:36:42 PM »
Heck who needs cash?

Just a funky title with a running thread under its own forum like KOTH has/had...

Sounds like a neat that just the early and mid war planeset?

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Online Lazerr

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Re: Plane of the Tour
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2025, 04:08:55 PM »
Heck who needs cash?

Just a funky title with a running thread under its own forum like KOTH has/had...

Sounds like a neat that just the early and mid war planeset?


I think anything ENY 25 or 30 and up would be a good start.  I also think a MOTD would have to be in the arena to have any effect

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Re: Plane of the Tour
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2025, 04:10:11 PM »
Using Highest Kill/Time with a minimum of 50 kills or something like that would prevent that from being an issue.  Highest kill/time with at least 50 kills and 1.0 K/D in that plane?

Poor metric, imo, kills/time is based on population in the arena and down times make it very challenging to find enough players to shoot in that area to make it meaningful.

K/D and K/S are the better metrics since it proves better flying performance. Yes even K/S is impacted by player population, but it's still a more measurable metric than K/T. Come to think of it, only K/D is going to be measurable. Which is fair imo over 50 kills because it doesn't have as much to do with time players get to play. But unless that's the only plane they fly that tour, all you can actually measure in the stats is K/D.

I'd be down for the this competition. Hate to say that I'd probably ruin it by winning 14 times in a row (yawn)..... ;) JK. But yeah it would be fun. I'd probably up the ENY to 35+ though since even planes like a 109G14 are 25 eny.  :rolleyes:

« Last Edit: January 22, 2025, 04:19:24 PM by DmonSlyr »
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Re: Plane of the Tour
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2025, 04:59:08 PM »
This isn't about who is going to win it.. it's about getting people in different planes. its a flatline most kills in the plane for a tour.

Most people that play excessive hours have too thin of skin anyways.

He who might play 5 hours in a tour and be more efficient might still beat the guy that plays 180 and is too timid to fight.

You guys are thinking too hard.

Again, this wouldn't work without a MOTD because I don't think the majority of the arena reads this.

Example.. this isn't about a dickmeasuring contest.. the intent is far from that. 
« Last Edit: January 22, 2025, 05:08:36 PM by Lazerr »

Offline Animl-AW

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Re: Plane of the Tour
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2025, 05:33:37 PM »
I’m not thinking at all,…so  :aok


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Re: Plane of the Tour
« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2025, 09:29:33 AM »
Guess I’ll have to move out of my P47D-40 and into a D-25 :aok

Offline Eagler

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Re: Plane of the Tour
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2025, 09:51:36 AM »
After checking last night eny 30 and up sounds better..

Get all decent pilots into early and mid war birds would be a fantastic change imo for ma play

I tried this without prizes one month but didn't get much participation...

Had a blast in the 109f4 and g2 last night

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Offline Banshee7

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Re: Plane of the Tour
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2025, 10:32:08 AM »
Poor metric, imo, kills/time is based on population in the arena and down times make it very challenging to find enough players to shoot in that area to make it meaningful.

While population would help K/T a little, you can also achieve a very high K/T fighting off the Jokers in the morning hours.  It doesn't matter what metric you use, players that play during prime time will pretty much always hold a slight advantage.

K/D and K/S are the better metrics since it proves better flying performance. Yes even K/S is impacted by player population, but it's still a more measurable metric than K/T. Come to think of it, only K/D is going to be measurable. Which is fair imo over 50 kills because it doesn't have as much to do with time players get to play. But unless that's the only plane they fly that tour, all you can actually measure in the stats is K/D.

I feel like players will only become MORE timid if you only use K/D, which would literally counter everything you've suggested to get people to fight. 

To me, kills per time would benefit players that only get to play for a limited time.  A player with a 3 K/D and 13 kills per hour is more impressive than a player with a 6 K/D and only 5 kills per hour. 

Ultimately, if the motive is to encourage and reward players to fly higher ENY planes without making it a pissing match is to only reward total kills.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2025, 10:33:46 AM by Banshee7 »
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Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: Plane of the Tour
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2025, 11:57:59 AM »

While population would help K/T a little, you can also achieve a very high K/T fighting off the Jokers in the morning hours.  It doesn't matter what metric you use, players that play during prime time will pretty much always hold a slight advantage.

I feel like players will only become MORE timid if you only use K/D, which would literally counter everything you've suggested to get people to fight. 

To me, kills per time would benefit players that only get to play for a limited time.  A player with a 3 K/D and 13 kills per hour is more impressive than a player with a 6 K/D and only 5 kills per hour. 

Ultimately, if the motive is to encourage and reward players to fly higher ENY planes without making it a pissing match is to only reward total kills.

It certainly depends on the plane though. Holding a high K/D in a P40 is much harder than say a Temp or 190 because you cant just extend away quickly, climbing takes longer and more pateince to gain alt, bullets don't kill as effectively, ect. One dive and most planes may catch you and you have to resort to defense ACM to maybe win the engagement. Flying timidly in those planes is quite tough if your team doesn't have advantage in the fight. It's easy to get a quick K/T in a spit16 and jump in there with poor SA like they always do and get 2 or 3 kills before you get picked. Or roll for some quick easy low bombers that really boost the K/T. You don't have to worry about K/D if its only avg 2.5-3 since you may average that many kills per sortie and may land once in a while. But you aren't proving that your SA skills are all there if you jump in and die all of the time imo. A high K/D with a generally high K/S depending on the plane means they are more capable since they know how to get kills and survive the mission. K/T for me is very variable since you can fly to what you think is a fight, and then everyone leaves and you have no one to joust with or much to shoot, leaving you high and dry. But certainly I agree that a player in a temp racking up a high K/D by flying timidly isn't all mighty skill either because it's pretty easy to do that vs doing it in a p40 or other 30+ eny plane. That is why I like the scoring model in AH because it takes many factors into consideration and doesn't just reward the player who gets all month and 180 hours to play and roll when the tide suites them. That what scares me about the "total kill" metric but I'm fine with it to see how it goes.

Realistically, K/T is the hardest category to measure and would have to only fly 1 plane that tour to measure it vs other players.

I'm curious if this is just in one plane that everyone has to fly or just any plane over say 30+ eny?
« Last Edit: January 23, 2025, 12:04:55 PM by DmonSlyr »
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