All I got to say, is I miss this game so much. It's a shame that it died. My squad mates and I went to World of Tanks when the game was still popular. I met some great friends there, some that I still talk to 15 years later. I wish the devs would just make it free to play so it could bring back more players. I miss having to wait to get a spot in the servers. Maybe one day...
It's not dead..
I don't know the name of the map but yesterday I found action hour after hour on the map defending from bombers, fighters, in a kill steak that ended up around 50 (I never once landed an aircraft serviceable to rearm) and, fun I'd not come across for 10 years. They fought hard for the bases and I fought hard to defend them, it really was the good ol'days today.
That map size was perfect for high levels of game-play and experimentation in that game-play; several times I got the Me262 I was flying under 200mph flaps out turning with something.
One thing is for certain, if you don't play and be apart of the fight bringing high quality game-play with you, you'll never see the day of;
LWOrange 302/300
LWBlue 64/300.