So what does it show? Why the interest in this now? Inquiring minds would like to know
Beats me why now, but latency has always been a favorite topic of mine. Perhaps the message system coad and the positional update coad are optimized/prioritized differently?
People still confuse latency (objects closer than they appear) with variance (warpies.)
The reason why a faster connect gets the short end on HO's and collisions is right there in the statement - faster connect; your death/dmg msgs gets to you first.
This is despite the "smoothing coad" that HTC has used to even out the latency differences. Comparing AW to AH - AH did a much better job of it; good enough for that coad to be valuable, afaik.
But... since coming back in '21, I have noticed some seeming loosening where it can get to the point of - "no way you got that shot!" vs some players who have outlier connections where many of us have cable and better routing to the servers.
Ping times have been pretty constant for me even when I was playing regualrly in the early 2000's... I'd be seeing about 60ms... now 15-20 years on it's down to around 30ms.
150-200+ ms vs 30 ms connections have a more noticeable effect that it used to. Or maybe with less players, it's just become more noticeable?
I covered this topic a lot when I came back vs Judge; Skyyr was actually easier to fight and kill since he didn't lag as much as Judge did.
Here's some anecdotal evidence I have somewhat of a clue (by moot): " In my case it was him telling me he couldn't get my lag right, to set up his evasives. And truth be told (years after the fact

) I was playing with some bad latency (but not variance) and he was pretty much the only one to notice it.",254380.msg3138992/topicseen.html#msg3138992