Your solution doesn't work since I was not on auto switch and was Bish.
90% of the time you are on autoswitch and I'm sure you were before you went six hour perma-bish for whatever reason you had at the time. It's why this whole issue got started--Kong's not the first person to accuse you of using intel you gleaned from autoswitch re:ship positions to hunt and sink (or at least be prepared for) an enemy TG attack. I've accused you of that before myself.
It's a delicate point. I don't autoswitch; but if I did, I'd try my best to come into the temporary new side tablua rasa. "I know where ominous enemy boat is; but
would I have known or figured it out if I were coming in afresh?" If someone held a knife to my throat and forced me to give an honest opinion on the matter, I'd probably say "Yeah, I do think caine uses what he remembers vs what he would have figured out." I easily could be wrong. But that's what I believe. And I'm not the only one.
Simplest solution is to deny boat commanding privileges to autoswitchers. The boat commanding thing has certainly been abused before by players who wanted to control a team resource for personal benefit, like shelling down a factory to get a safe and easy achievement when players who actually allied to the team in question wanted to use that boat in an attack elsewhere. And there is the suspicion--even if undeserved, it is divisive--that you use intel you would not have otherwise have had when you do switch sides.
Denying boat command privileges to players on autoswitch would go a long way towards fixing this.