Well I thought Id try to set up my older Saitek stick and rudder again after a couple years. MAybe get back into a scenario or 2. Controls are very jumpy and not instantaneous during flight. I reinstalled drivers, calibrated in Win 10 again in the game . Does this eqpt go bad sitting in the closet? Do they like a diff usb connection?
Stored my x52 for yrs, was not the same stick when I used it again. Even took it apart and cleaned it. Very spiky.
I recklessly assume the plastics breaking down, the gases released ruin sensors. Just assuming because I had no exact answer.
On my page, the link in my sig, has a page on my stick settings for that old x52 to combat degrading. It might help. I did update the rudder settings at 40% straight across on scaling. But didn’t update the page.
Eventually I just replaced it with a VKB NXT and am in bliss with it