Tranlated in several different languages for your reading pleasure:
(Note to Author, no Screen shot was enclosed)
"I enclosed a screen shot of a C47 that I flew to near to...beware Fight Jocks, the C47 is no longer an easy kill !"
"ah enclosed a screen shot of a C47 thet ah flew t'near to...beware Fight Jocks, th' C47 is no longer an easy kill ! Fry mah hide!"
Swedish Chef:
"I inclused a screee shut ooff a C47 thet I floo tu neer tu...booere-a Feeght Jucks, zee C47 is nu lunger un iesy keell !"
"I enclosid a screen shot of a C47 dat I flew t' near to...beware Fite Dgocks, duuhhhh, de C47 is no longeh an easy kill ! Doihh, COOL!"
"i ecnloseD a screen shoot of a c47 that i flew to near to. ololo.. !!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~~~ LLOLOLOLL !!!!!!!!!!~
bewr fight joX)rs, teh c47 si no longrr 4n easy kikl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lolololoolololololo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~
"I enclosed some screen shot uh a C47 dat ah' flew t'near to. 'S coo', bro...beware Fight Jocks, de C47 be no longa' an easywaste ! Right on!"
Pig Latin:
"Iyay enclosedyay ayay eenscray otshay ofyay ayay cay47 atthay Iyay ewflay otay earnay otay...ewarebay Ightfay Ocksjay, ethay cay47 isyay onay ongerlay anyay easyyay illkay !"
Elmer Fudd:
"I encwosed a scween shot of a C47 that I fwew to neaw to...bewawe Fight Jocks, the C47 is no wongew an easy
kiww !"