Author Topic: Goons Timing.  (Read 285 times)

Greg 'wmutt' Cook

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Goons Timing.
« on: May 25, 2000, 12:56:00 PM »
I've noticed a trend as of late with the goon drivers being a little hesitant to enter a hot drop zone.  How did we ever capture a base before hangers.  With the way our strat system is set up, most of the time the window for droping troops is very small most captures. maybe as small as a minute or so.  The smart goon pilot has to be able to respond quickly, not be parked in a field a few miles from the target, enjoying a picnic lunch.  It seems that most goon drivers these days won't make a run unless all the hangers are down, there are no cons within 2 grid squares, and there are 4 cannon hogs trailing a red carpet over the airfield.  Ya gotta take risks for the big rewards.  To capture a field you need to do only three things: Involve the goon in the plan from the moment the bombers launch, kill the ack, and establish air superiority.  That's it, bring the goon!  And please, for the love of all that's good and right, don't park goons in fields, just orbit about 30 seconds out.  If you have time to land and take off again, the window just isn't there. (I personally can't wait till the M3, now there's a risky job. We will have a .50 for air defense, right?)
332nd Flying Mongrels
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Offline snafu

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Goons Timing.
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2000, 01:34:00 PM »
Picnicing Gooneybird pilot here!

Yes, you make some very valid point's and I've been flying goons since V0.38. But Many's a time I have heard "Acks Down, Turning for Hangers" and I've said "Vulch" guys I'm coming in". Only to find no air cover whatsoever & an M16 sitting there. Assuming I manage a complete pass with at least one engine still running the drunks don't stand a chance. Since the advent of multiple spawn points the art of vulching seems to have been lost. Like you I wish it would return. Yes I've sat in fields waiting for the all clear and yes I agree it suck's. But... I have seen fields take so long to prepare that I would need drop tanks and a tanker available to stay in the air for that long. The main problem is (In my opinion anyway) we get several Buff's, a fair few fighters and 1 Goon, and that is where it all falls apart. Multiple spawn points need multiple goon's & an organised "Vulch". One of the most memorable capture's I can remember was several weeks ago. I don't remember the field or the other pilot's but it went like this.

Several Buff's hit all the ack (1 pass each) and the fighters then went to work. 3 or 4 goons then crossed the field from different directions within 10 - 15 secs. The field did not stand a chance. Total time from the drop of the 1st bomb to field capture was about 2 - 3 minutes.

After capture the ack came up and the field was fully operational, No hangers down, No fuel, Ordinance, Troop limitations. A far cry from the normal scene of desolation which accompanies most field capture's.

Goon's remain the most vital part of any field capture (At least until the promised ground transport's arrive). You can throw as many Buff's and fighter's as you like but they don't capture the field. I don't know how many it would take  (A hell of a lot) but you could in theory saturate a field with goons and eventually 10 troops would get through.

Just my opinion.


Offline Lizard3

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Goons Timing.
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2000, 02:48:00 PM »
   Speaking of goon's, a couple days ago, I was flying lowly goon lowly to capture a knitwit vehicle base...when a spit pilot with binoculars permanently super glued to his eyeballs spotted me from d1000. He dove from way out. I was sure he'd rip his wings off. Positive. But no, otherwise was my fate. He came on, closing fast, low and level. Intent on his target. He got closer and closer, humm, ditch? Pop silk? hmmmm No way Jose. I'm ridin this baby in! He closed to 900, 800, no winking wings, 700, surely he'd fire now, 600...I'd had enough, he was trying to conserve ammo. I yanked that dam stick so hard I dislocated my shoulder<thththtwook> <screams in pain>. As I got 1/4 way through my loop, I slammed my left rudder, spraining my bad ankle<sproing>.
I started hearing pings. More pings. ROLL BABY ROLL! Whoosh, I could hear him pass<really, I could>, I was almost to the base. He would surely get me now. Quick damage check...hey, guy musta forgot his cannons at home, nothin fell off! He's goona change that fer sure....nothing. Well, to fast for gear, not enough time anyway. Slam that baby in the dirt. Slidin home momma! More left rudder! Pretty as you please, right up to the green little hobbit hole. "Out you ground pounders!" GO GO GO,....oh shi* open the door knumbskull!!! Thier, all out, "Geronimo" still ringing in my ears...or is that tinitus? Ok, he was setting up his second pass, he'll start peggin chutes now. Humm, whered he go? Check buffer, no manuever kills? Hummm, Auger Queen I guess. With a great feeling of accomplishment....Captured!

Liz of TSM
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T.J.(Stonewall) Jackson