Author Topic: This ones for Moose  (Read 263 times)


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This ones for Moose
« on: April 11, 2001, 10:04:00 AM »
You got to admit that was pretty comical last night that 234 raid.  After I dropped my eggs I said why not.  So I tailed your group giving out info on your location and such.  Seems only 2 or so were interested in intercepting.  As I am trying to figure out a way to mess with you guys I just said F*** it I will ram one or two.  Looking back I see a Tempest 800 off my 6 and said to myself oH Sh*t were did he come from?

Ok so i put distance on the Temp and start my melee thru your formation I have a good portion on tape if you would like to see it I can email it to you.  As far as my con you are the only one that has ever complained about it.  Are you with cox on the east coast?  Any rate was very fun chasing you guys down in a non combative way.  Only wishing I had a forward firing gun, even a rock or two to throw at ya.  <S!>

Sturm6 StaffelKapitän
JV44 Platzschutzstaffel
Airfield Defense Squadron
Campaigning for the rights of the ME-410.

Offline Tac

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This ones for Moose
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2001, 11:09:00 AM »
Hehe sturm, I got the film of your arado being shot up by my 38 too.

I was on that Arado flight, I was the rearmost arado you passed under first   I was hoping you'd pass from below and zoom up to scare me, I had my bomb release ready.... but noooo, you tried to ram me   <S>

Was fun!


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This ones for Moose
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2001, 11:16:00 AM »
Tac I saw the F4U coming in and avoided his fire but didn't see your 38 which nailed me I went into evasives and pushed forward but you were to close.  Didn't recieve 1 6 call, so that was my last flight over there.  It was odd not one of those 234's would let me ram them    Ramming is much harder to do when you actually try and do it.  When you shot me down was my 5th consecutive Arado raid.  Good kill on your part if I didn't type it in there last night.    <S!>

Sturm6 StaffelKapitän
JV44 Platzschutzstaffel
Airfield Defense Squadron
Campaigning for the rights of the ME-410.

Offline Dinger

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This ones for Moose
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2001, 11:29:00 AM »
Uh, Sturm, let me explain the connection comment.
You and I were going at it in 234s for some time (I think you broke off after playing with me).  I was trying to find the airspace in front of your plane on my FE that would result in a collision on your FE.  That location is a function of speed (the faster, the further out it is) and connection (the slower our combined conx, the further out it is).  When you hit that spot, the other guys plane collides, but yours doesn't; it's far trickier than any whiner can realize, but it is very satisfying when you pull it off (did it once in duelling C47s).  Unfortunately, I run about a 50 ms ping.  So, try as I might, I couldn't "lagram" you.


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This ones for Moose
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2001, 11:40:00 AM »
Which explains Moose's 56K comment.  Understood.  Our first encounter was through a smoke intense environment and I was going nuts as I would get on his 6 and then watch him warp 200 to teh right adjust and have it happen again.  But both of our FPS wre very low so we agreed this was probably the cause.  It is rather hard to hit a 234 that keeps jerking up and down, and the reason I left you was my speed was gaining and I did not like that Tempest back there plus having no bombs I was a notch faster.

     Trust me if I could have rammed you I tried   all in all was fun seeing all those 234's together albeit from differnt countries.  And who says coalition isn't working in AH?

Sturm6 StaffelKapitän
JV44 Platzschutzstaffel
Airfield Defense Squadron
Campaigning for the rights of the ME-410.

Offline Dinger

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This ones for Moose
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2001, 01:29:00 PM »
The easy part is ramming the other guy.  The hard part is making the other guy ram.  

Offline Wlfgng

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« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2001, 01:47:00 PM »
I was the Tempest. :)
I got distracted when I saw a ta152 to shoot !
besides, you were not much of a threat to the other Arado's without as much as a pea-shooter.


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This ones for Moose
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2001, 04:01:00 PM »
Yep Sturm, I didn't mean your connection was bad at all. (looked crystal clear to me) But usually, a 56k person will be able to ram a cable guy easily.

We were all like 'yeah! 234 raid to the knit HQ! that'll teach 'em!'

then when we're about 20 miles offshore cruising at maxspeed

'hey, the knit hq is already down...'

Was the biggest disappointment of my life!

While RTBing, I had to bolter my landing attempt twice - once because the approach through the mountains was too high, and the 2nd because enemy cons were inbound. Had to rtb across to 48 if I remember right on fumes  

Offline Lephturn

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« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2001, 05:12:00 PM »
Explain to me how "a 56k guy can ram a cable guy easily"?

It doesn't matter what either of the individual's lag is, it's the total circuit between both users and the server.  Having a slower faster connect will not let you "ram" easier or make it harder.  It's still very simple, if you hit it on your FE you die.  The only way your connection speed makes a difference is if you BOTH collide, since the slower connected guy will take longer to send the info that he is dead to the server, the other fellow may die first and get the kill.  It only works if you both die though.

You can't actually ram anybody, all you can do is fly in front of him and hope he screws up and fails to avoid you.  That's the only way it works.  There is no magic spot in front of the plane you can fly to to cause a collision, you can just fly to the spot where you think a collision would result on his FE if he fails to avoid you.  It still totally depends on the guy that dies screwing up and hitting you.  

Sean "Lephturn" Conrad - Aces High Chief Trainer

A proud member of the mighty Flying Pigs

Check out Lephturn's Aerodrome for AH articles and training info!

Offline Dinger

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This ones for Moose
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2001, 06:04:00 PM »
You can't actually ram anybody, all you can do is fly in front of him and hope he
                    screws up and fails to avoid you. That's the only way it works. There is no magic spot
                    in front of the plane you can fly to to cause a collision, you can just fly to the spot
                    where you think a collision would result on his FE if he fails to avoid you. It still totally
                    depends on the guy that dies screwing up and hitting you.

Exactly -- if they're not maneuvering, there is a "magic spot" in front of them, which is where they will be when their FE receives the information concerning your plane's position.
If they are maneuvering, it's trickier, but with a plane like an Arado, you cna bet it's not going to go 180 degrees in the interim.
When you have a longer overall ping route (my FE to server to other guy's FE), you can lagram the guy by passing in front; and the longer the overall ping, the "easier" it is because of the separation.
It's _really_ tough, and if you have guns, it's easier to use them.  Only in engagements between unarmed planes does it come into play.  But you can lag ram somebody, and it's easier according to total ping time, and it's easier for both parties.  "Flying in front of somebody and hope he fails to avoid" might be  overstating it.
In short, 99 percent of the time someone whines "he rammed me", the whiner is to blame.  That other 1% the other guy got very lucky, or was very very good.
Since you don't get perk points or kills for lagrams (unless you're close to the ground, in which case you get a kill, but no PPs), there's no real reason to do it.
Unless you're fighting 234 vs. 234.