Author Topic: JV44 Wurger-Staffel Needs 1 More Pilot  (Read 958 times)

Offline Wotan

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JV44 Wurger-Staffel Needs 1 More Pilot
« on: December 14, 2001, 02:29:00 AM »
Known Pilots & Aircraft & Pilot Inscription

Lt Heinz 'AG' Sachsenberg
Fw 190D-9 'Rot 1'
Verkaaft's mei Gwand 'I foahr in himmel!
(Sell my clothes I'm going to heaven)

Hptm. Waldemar 'Wotan' Wübke
Fw 190D-9 'Rot 3'
Im Auftrage der Reichsbahn
(By order of the State Railway)*

Lt. Karl-Heinz 'Urchin' Hofmann
Fw 190D-11 'Rot 4'
Der nächste Herr dieselbe Dame!
(The next man the same woman!)

Oblt Klaus 'Erlkonig' Faber
Fw 190D-9 'Rot 13'
"Rein muß err" und wenn wir beide weinen!
(In he goes even though both of us will cry!)

Fw. Bodo 'Leitwolf' Dirschauer  
Aircraft Unknown 'Rot 2'
Inscripion Unknown

Fw. Your Name Here
Aircraft Unknown 'Rot 12'
Inscripion Unknown

JV44 Würger-Staffel is looking for a dedicated lw jagdflieger. Preferably some one who is familiar with lw plane planes and in particular AH's lw planeset.

JV44 Würger-Staffel primary ride is the Focke-Wulf 190d-9 'Dora'. But we fly all lw planes from the 109f-4 to the 190d-9.

We have recently returned to the knights. We fly in tod and are currently as a squad flying together in Big Week, an Aces High Scenario.

Currently 4 of our guys are on East Coast (US) time. However Leitwolf is from Germany.

Any one who is intertested please contact:


in the main or email me directly at

A little background on the real JV44 Würger-Staffel

Jagdverband 44 Würger-Staffel 'Airfield Protection Flight' -- The Platzschutzstaffel was equipped with the long nosed Dora variant of the Fw 190, both D-9s and one very rare D-11 were used. The aircraft were painted with bright red and white striped undersurfaces to aid in recognition by weary 262 pilots returning to base, and also the anxious ground flak units. The aircraft also had unusual markings including a personal inscription on the port fuselage side.
Their mission was simple. Take off, climb to 1500 ft. Protect the jets. Land once the jets were safely away. They were forbidden to chase Allied planes.
The Me 262 was most vulnerable during takeoff and landing, more so than piston aircraft due to the greater time and distance required for the process. Marauding Allied pilots knew this and lurked around the bases in hopes of an easy kill.
Rather than depend on the High Command, Galland set about establishing his own Platzschutzstaffel (airfield defense squadron). For this he turned to the distinguished Eastern front ace, Leutnant Heinz Sachsenberg.
The JV44 Platzschutzstaffel has in recent times been referred to as the Papageien Staffel (Parrots). There is no evidence that this is based on historic fact and is likely due to the colorfully painted aircraft. According to Walter Krupinski, this staffel did occasionally use the radio call sign "Pagagei" (much like an allied flight may be called "Red" or "Baker"). To the pilots and personnel of JV44, the unit was simply known as the Würger-Staffel, literally translated Butcher-Bird Squadron. Würger was the official name given to the Focke-Wulf 190, much like Lightning was given to the P-38.

"Sachsenberg was a good pilot... We felt safer when his aircraft were in the air" Adolf Galland


Aces High
Warbrds 3
Hptm. Wotan Wubke
Rot 3 fw-190d9 Dora
Im Auftrage der Reichsbahn
(By order of the State Railway)

Offline FirstBorg

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JV44 Wurger-Staffel Needs 1 More Pilot
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2001, 03:34:00 PM »
Are you playing in arena or h2h?
If h2h, I'd like to join you.

Offline Wotan

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JV44 Wurger-Staffel Needs 1 More Pilot
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2001, 03:51:00 PM »
Sorry borg  :(

we fly main / events and ct mostly. I used to do the h2h thing but rest of my guys dont bother.......

If you ever subcribe look us up....

S! mate

Offline Wotan

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JV44 Wurger-Staffel Needs 1 More Pilot
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2002, 08:13:00 AM »

Offline Wotan

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JV44 Wurger-Staffel Needs 1 More Pilot
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2002, 11:25:50 PM »
punt still looking..............