I know I know, this has been brought up before. But man, we better be glad the Al-Quedo doesnt have the technology that the AH paratroopers do! These sumsqueakes are damn near impossible to kill! I was La5 at a field and there were 10 troops just release. I went zooming through, holding the trigger down all over one shoot. Nothing. I extended and came back, troops now on the ground. I squeezed and sprayed the ground all over those troops, thinking for sure I got one. Came back around, counted 10. Sprayed again, came back around counted 10. Field gone moments later.
This is crazy - one way to make fields much more difficult to capture would be to make the troops more realistic to kill. Hell even when I bail out in my plane, it takes a TON of damage to kill me. I hear 20mm pings, .50 cal pings, and I'm still tickin!
Can we get this changed?