Author Topic: Talibans in Cuba, Euro pressure...  (Read 3454 times)

Offline bigUC

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Talibans in Cuba, Euro pressure...
« Reply #120 on: January 24, 2002, 07:49:00 AM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
You Euros are a pretty pathetic spineless lot these days, if it wasnt for America guarding us in second half of the century wed all be speaking russian eating borsch praising Marx and Stalin and loving it. Any you know it.

What human rights are violated here? What could it possibly be? Is it the chains and handcuffs? Or the decent food? Or the ear muffs given to them while in the planes to protect them from the noise? Or the masks for TB?  

The fact is you Euros are gutless lot nowadays, Churchill is spinning over in his grave. God rest his and Europe's soul.

Its shameful!

What happend to the strong proud Europe of the past? You are so afraid of past that you just castrate youselves. Europe needs to get tough again and fast or youll just end up as one useless identiy less mass consumersist leisure class socialst sissies. Youll be the laughing stock of the world.

Aaaahhh  - we could start with bringing Grunherz drugged and blindfolded back to europe  and put him on trial for being anti-european and a traitor  :-)  :D
Kurt is winking at U!


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Talibans in Cuba, Euro pressure...
« Reply #121 on: January 24, 2002, 08:43:28 AM »
lol big uc :)

CC brainless I know the the history of the change but I still think its stupid sounding, I dont like the word Bund- it has always pissed me off.

Another one that really ticks me off in sound is Bundestag instead of Reichstag, I can certainly see why the change was warranted but I dont like that word.

So would somebody in the Heer get in troble if they named their Leopard "Rommel" or "Erwin" or "Guderian" or "Heinz"?

And then theres the anthem, is it true you cant sing any of the parts that might piss of Belgium and Poland? Or any of the other parts not dealing with freedom and unity.... Only the third verse?

Blah so much PC on such a huge scale, I hope you recover and become a normal country, I see even Japan is beggining to come around with the recent official adoption of her flag and anthem and the changes allowing greater military participation abroad. Then we have to get Germany and Japan on the UN Security council as permenant members. Its pathetic and so PC that the second and third most prosperous and powerful and productive nations are not there while a lazy unproductive useless not to mention ungreatful neo-communist wasteland France is.

Lots still to be done! :)

Offline straffo

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Talibans in Cuba, Euro pressure...
« Reply #122 on: January 24, 2002, 09:19:41 AM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH lnot to mention ungreatful neo-communist wasteland France is.BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH

Shit !

I've completly forgotten to renew my card of the Party .... holly toejam I might get killed by the soviet when ggoing back home

Now I live in terror ... how my I face my familly my wife will denounce me to the soviet


Grow up Grun ... you show lot of ignorance here.... or you forgot to put any smiley ?


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« Reply #123 on: January 24, 2002, 09:25:22 AM »
Youre French, what can I say? :)

The France thing is kind of a tounge-in-cheek comment, but the truth is not so distant. :D
« Last Edit: January 24, 2002, 09:29:31 AM by GRUNHERZ »

Offline straffo

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« Reply #124 on: January 24, 2002, 09:30:33 AM »
Ya can say I forgot any smiley :)

If ever you cross the lake I will show you why red wine is a good medecine againts comunism ;)


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Talibans in Cuba, Euro pressure...
« Reply #125 on: January 24, 2002, 09:36:16 AM »

The French are OK, they know how to live well and have fun. Thats cool. But im constantly surprised how badly run the country is and how often they have strikes my socialist type unions, and how ineffient things are. Italy is that way too for the modt part.

I read somewhere that the French Navy or a big Shipping Company  had to repair one of its ships in a British shipyard because the French shipyard quoted a time schedule and price that were vastly higher than the british one. The Brits did it in four days but the French yard quoted a minimum of 4 weeks for the job.

That kind of stuff frightens me. :(

Offline straffo

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Talibans in Cuba, Euro pressure...
« Reply #126 on: January 24, 2002, 09:46:32 AM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ

That kind of stuff frightens me. :(

Me too but i've to live with it ...

During 3 year I've used french railway to got to work ...
I got as many as 19 strike for a total duration of 4 month !!
you can imagine that I was really upset ... since I've changed job it's better I'm not anymore at the mercy of those strike ...

And those strikes are done by some "priviligied" (dunno if it's english) worker who because of their status cannot be fired :(

But it's still a good country were you can live and let grow your childrens ...
Not the best world but I prefer being french than ... Somali or Afghani for exemple

Offline hazed-

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Talibans in Cuba, Euro pressure...
« Reply #127 on: January 24, 2002, 09:54:38 AM »
Im european and i say diddly em

every one of those prisoners should be transported from afghanistan in a diddlying pine box.

Why dont these pansy assed liberals consider how these terrorists would treat us if we were overthrown and captured?

I say as long as they get adequate water and food and they are kept in a sanitary condition they are being treated well enough.

Chains? diddlying right they are chained.Its only a shame we cant put them in a cage with the families of those who died in the twin towers.

Before the twin towers attack I would certainly have considered their treatment a little paranoid on the USAs part but now I couldnt agree more.We must show the future generations that they had a fair trial but we sure as hell dont have to treat them like diddlying guests.

would these liberal types want us to send them all for trial in their own country? by those that they have repressed and brutalised for 20 years?

I think the war on terrorism has to be recognised as a war on FANATICS not dedicated military men.These people are not professional soldiers in the sense of what our armies have become.Our own armies are more of a police force than an instrument of aggression.The taliban and their army was an instrument of oppression.They should be treated as criminals! not afforded the rights of prisoners of war as a professional soldier would be.There should be no physical abuse of course (although i really hope our lads kick the living toejam out of them! really! and i dont like the fact that i feel that way.But after sept 11 my whole outlook on the future of our planet was forever blackened by their act of total depravity.Someone has to pay for what they have done to ours and our childrens minds and dreams)

world peace? with these scum around we cant even pretend to hope for it.

Offline Boroda

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Talibans in Cuba, Euro pressure...
« Reply #128 on: January 24, 2002, 10:04:28 AM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
I just dont like the word, dont like the way it sounds- Wehrmacht just sounds, well more military....


Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
Im Croatian and I thank Germany for its friendship and of course being the first state to recogonize our independance. [/B]

You mean in 1941?

Offline babek-

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« Reply #129 on: January 24, 2002, 11:44:09 AM »

Yes - the German Reich and Croatia were allies during WW2.

But I think that Gruenherz ment the following historical event:

The Federal Republic of Germany was the first country which recognized the independance of Croatia in the 90ties. France and UK who hesitated with this decision had to follow after this diplomatic advance of Germany.


gruenherz.... its spelled gruenherz !!!!


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« Reply #130 on: January 24, 2002, 11:54:53 AM »
Babek I know that it should be "ue" if you dont use an umlautt over the u.

But guess what I dont like the way the "ue" looks so I dont use it. :)

I was reffering to the German recognition of  Croatia in the early 1990s, the other Euros hesitated. Thanks Germany.

Offline Udie at Work

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Talibans in Cuba, Euro pressure...
« Reply #131 on: January 24, 2002, 01:30:01 PM »
Originally posted by hazed-
Im european and i say diddly em

every one of those prisoners should be transported from afghanistan in a diddlying pine box.

Why dont these pansy assed liberals consider how these terrorists would treat us if we were overthrown and captured?

I say as long as they get adequate water and food and they are kept in a sanitary condition they are being treated well enough.

Chains? diddlying right they are chained.Its only a shame we cant put them in a cage with the families of those who died in the twin towers.

Before the twin towers attack I would certainly have considered their treatment a little paranoid on the USAs part but now I couldnt agree more.We must show the future generations that they had a fair trial but we sure as hell dont have to treat them like diddlying guests.

would these liberal types want us to send them all for trial in their own country? by those that they have repressed and brutalised for 20 years?

I think the war on terrorism has to be recognised as a war on FANATICS not dedicated military men.These people are not professional soldiers in the sense of what our armies have become.Our own armies are more of a police force than an instrument of aggression.The taliban and their army was an instrument of oppression.They should be treated as criminals! not afforded the rights of prisoners of war as a professional soldier would be.There should be no physical abuse of course (although i really hope our lads kick the living toejam out of them! really! and i dont like the fact that i feel that way.But after sept 11 my whole outlook on the future of our planet was forever blackened by their act of total depravity.Someone has to pay for what they have done to ours and our childrens minds and dreams)

world peace? with these scum around we cant even pretend to hope for it.

 Thanks Hazed! It's good to know somebody in Europe feels the same way about this mess as I do.  I apreciate you posting this...


Offline babek-

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« Reply #132 on: January 24, 2002, 02:10:28 PM »
Even terrorists who have been captured by a civilized country have basic rights. They have to be treated as prisoners without being tortured in an open or more hidden way.
Its absolutely not important if they are soldiers or not. Every human being has basic human rights. This is also part of the german constitution

Artikel 1
[Menschenwürde; Grundrechtsbindung der staatlichen Gewalt]
(1) Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar. Sie zu achten und zu schützen ist Verpflichtung aller staatlichen Gewalt.
(2) Das Deutsche Volk bekennt sich darum zu unverletzlichen und unveräußerlichen Menschenrechten als Grundlage jeder menschlichen Gemeinschaft, des Friedens und der Gerechtigkeit in der Welt.
(3) Die nachfolgenden Grundrechte binden Gesetzgebung, vollziehende Gewalt und Rechtsprechung als unmittelbar geltendes Recht.

I dont say that these prisoners shouldnt get any special benifits, but they have the right to be treated as human beings with the rights every human being has.

As some other have written in this thread I also agree in the thesis that the true reason of this irrational fanatism lies in the terroristic politic of the country called Israel.

With their brutal oppression the push the palestine people into madness - and mad people make mad actions.

As long as Israels fascistoid politic is tolerated or even only ignored by the civilized world they will produce more and more terrorists.

And one further thing to mention: You really think that Mr. BinLaden is the worst terrorist of the world ?

Some years ago we gave the Red Khmer leader Pol-Pot this title, then he was succeed by the Libyan President Ghaddafi, then the iraqui president Saddam Hussein and now its the former CIA-educated BinLaden.

I am sure that BinLaden is not the last one in this endless row of mad leaders.

Just wait and see what the Israeli terror-politic will produce next for us ...

Offline Fatty

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Talibans in Cuba, Euro pressure...
« Reply #133 on: January 24, 2002, 02:22:08 PM »
Are you seriously implying the people you listed came to power directly as a result of Isreal's actions?  Even Bin Laden only recently altered his demands to include Isreal, because it's a popular stance.

His original reason for turning on the US (aside from it generally needing to die because it is a land of infidels) is because Saudi Arabia accepted US assistance instead of Al Queda assistance in getting Iraq out of Kuwait.  Isreal somehow caused that too?

Offline Dowding

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Talibans in Cuba, Euro pressure...
« Reply #134 on: January 24, 2002, 02:43:18 PM »
Germany's unilateral recognition of Croatia as a State is the spark that set the Balkans on fire. Suddenly every little country wanted a piece of the action.

Hazed - your average Taliban fighter isn't a fanatic like those that did the WTC in. I'll dig out a link to a reporter's experiences with them - he illegally entered the country and actually talked to some of those on the ground. His report was shown on BBC2.
War! Never been so much fun. War! Never been so much fun! Go to your brother, Kill him with your gun, Leave him lying in his uniform, Dying in the sun.