Author Topic: Troop Toughness Revisited  (Read 92 times)

Offline Zippatuh

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Troop Toughness Revisited
« on: January 25, 2002, 11:24:12 AM »
There have been a post or two in the past about the amount of damage a paratrooper can absorb on the ground compared to the air.  I’m not sure if there is indeed a difference whether or not they have landed but my following problems were encountered while they were on the ground.

It was a few days ago in the Baltic terrain that Knights launched an attack to A9, which was captured.  What happened next was a fast break from the Bishop’s from V10 with several Osti’s and M3’s heading toward the plastered town.  I was heavy after reloading from the attack with 2K bombs and rox.

When I got to the town there were two columns of troops heading toward the town and were just on the fringe.  I dove in dropping my bombs in a general area between the columns in the direction they were heading.  Getting a nice one-two punch in their formation.  I pulled hard and looped back to launch rockets.  To my surprise it didn’t appear that any of the troops where missing.  I let loose with rockets and .50’s and promptly preformed a lawn dart there after.  From the quick glance it still didn’t appear that any troops were missing from my rockets.  Luckily I was recording the whole thing.

To my dismay though when reviewing the film the troops were not in it.  I then started to question whether or not the bombs traveled the 1000 feet required.  Looking at the film again it shows my drop but no impacts from the bombs.  The altitude was good and I do remember hearing and seeing the craters.  I can not however verify where they actually landed.

It was 2000 pounds though within the distance of an AH city block.  None of those troops should have survived.  I’m not sure why the troops or the craters aren’t shown in the film but it would be great if in the update to the film viewer/editor it would start recording detail such as this.  I’m gonna try and do some testing online when I can.  I just wont be able to show film of it.

« Last Edit: January 25, 2002, 11:26:53 AM by Zippatuh »

Offline eskimo2

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Troop Toughness Revisited
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2002, 11:52:46 AM »
Bombs do not kill troops.
We have tested it, even non-running troops won't die in the middle of a 1K hit.
A bullet idirectly n the brainbox seems to be the only way to kill them.
