Author Topic: Perhaps I'm way off base here...  (Read 193 times)

Offline Mark Luper

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Perhaps I'm way off base here...
« on: March 11, 2001, 06:38:00 AM »
I was flying around over the cloud bank yesterday and suddenly I had to start dodging flak. Evidently I flew over a cv group without knowing it.

Now I couldn't see the ground, those players under the cloud bank couldn't see me. How would a flak gunner be able to see a target above the cloudbank?

I realize that the AI controlled flak is programmed to fire at a con when it flies into a predetermined radius of the facility with the flak. My question is: wouldn't it be proper if that same said AI were to only shoot if a can "see" the target?

If the con were to fly below the cloudbank then he would then become a trackable target but once he flew back up into the cloudbank or above it then he should be invisible to the flak gunners.

Is this unreasonable? Your opinions please.


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Perhaps I'm way off base here...
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2001, 06:49:00 AM »
I agree. Haven't hit this one yet since I've only been flying over land...

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Offline Lephturn

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Perhaps I'm way off base here...
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2001, 06:53:00 AM »
These flak batteries are radar guided are they not?  Wouldn't the radar see through the clouds anyway?

Sean "Lephturn" Conrad - Aces High Chief Trainer

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Offline iculus

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Perhaps I'm way off base here...
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2001, 09:28:00 AM »
Would the accuracy decrease if they were radar guided, and not visual?


Offline loser

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Perhaps I'm way off base here...
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2001, 11:40:00 AM »
good point.. this also applies to normal field ack as well.  i have ben hit by ground acks that are firing over hills,through fuel tanks, the tower and hangers.  I think it is rather silly that guns that cant see you can waste you when you cant fire back

Offline Sancho

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Perhaps I'm way off base here...
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2001, 11:40:00 PM »
Flak has been totally completely porked for a couple versions now. Way to accurate, even above clouds.  You are by no means off base here mark.  I hope HTC totally reworks flak soon.  Myself, I just avoid 88mm whenever possible--it ain't worth getting near it.

Offline BBGunn

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Perhaps I'm way off base here...
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2001, 12:29:00 AM »
The AI ack still shoots thru hangars and conveniently arcs over ridges to kill things so I doubt clouds would stop it.  Never liked these AI acks much for these reasons although I guess its less accurate now than it used to be.

Offline Jekyll

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Perhaps I'm way off base here...
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2001, 02:21:00 AM »
Wouldn't the radar see through the clouds anyway?

Not so Lephturn.  My understanding is that WW2 radar, particularly US naval radar, had a very hard time penetrating cloud/storm fronts.

Fleet ack definitely has to be toned way, way down somehow.  First night of 1.06 I had a similar experience to Mark.  Flying along at 25k in a D9, inadvertently flew within a few miles of an enemy CV group.  It was night outside, so I couldnt see the CV, but their ack gunners sure could see me alright!

4 bursts and my airframe is on fire.  20 seconds later I'm dead.

Wouldn't have been so bad except I had no idea where the CV was located, since it was so dark outside.  Kinda hard to get out of danger when you don't know where the danger is  

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
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