Author Topic: abuse of CM powers in CT  (Read 736 times)

Offline Shane

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abuse of CM powers in CT
« on: February 13, 2002, 11:49:36 PM »
by arsewipe hblair in the CT...

i was saying how 3 on 1's aren't truly needed, then hblair gets all blue text and "i'm warning you"

i was not abusive nor vulgar and was being responded to, nor singling anyone out - even tho' i'm known for my smack, it was no where near any level that would allow a petty-minded, anal rententive futward like hblair to boot and ban me from the arena.... here's a fugging clue for the fugwad that hblair is.... i was not vulgar, i was not abusive unless the phrase "3 on 1's aren't necessary with dweeb of your so-called caliber in here" wounded his poor little ego.

if you don't like what you're seeing, .squelch shane, ignore shane... nothing, and i mean nothing of what i had said deserved this quite abusive response by hblair - not this time, anyway, and i dare anyone in that arena to say or prove otherwise.

i'm also filing a formal complaint with HTC about this abuse of powers, and i dare hblair to show any justification for the action he took. he was simply flexing his CM powers like an stunninghunk. now i understand why people look down on the CM corps.

of course many of you will say, hahah, yay... still nothing of what i was saying approached anywhere enar the level of smack some of you have seen, i was actually pretty calm, and trying to show that a 3 on 1 is no fun when it occurs over and over, especially with the caliber of pilot that frequents the CT.

all i have to say is screw you hblair and the CM horse you've abused.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2002, 09:04:52 AM by Shane »
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Offline AKDejaVu

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abuse of CM powers in CT
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2002, 11:58:40 PM »
Its a really good time to let Shane's ignorance stand on its own.  I strongly urge everyone to avoid this one completely.  There is absolutely nothing good that can come of this.

Offline Shane

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abuse of CM powers in CT
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2002, 12:03:45 AM »
Originally posted by AKDejaVu
Its a really good time to let Shane's ignorance stand on its own.  I strongly urge everyone to avoid this one completely.  There is absolutely nothing good that can come of this.

were you there? talk about ignorance.
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Offline -ammo-

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abuse of CM powers in CT
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2002, 12:08:29 AM »
well I was thinking of what deja said and he is right...however I was there and I gotta say this--

Shane, you were being totally obnoxious.  All attention was on you,  you were ranting and whining after you were killed. This isnt the first time, and whether *you* realize this or not....nobody apreciates it.  I enjoy the virtual combat you provide, but please check that attitude at the door, try a little comman respect for folks. It will go a long way.  I think he was justified, and I know more than one person that was poresent feels the same way.  Come back and have some fun, but leave that crappy attitude behind ya.


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Offline Shane

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abuse of CM powers in CT
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2002, 12:55:50 AM »
no ammo, i wasn't being obnoxious at all, unless you call saying "3 on 1 more often than not is no fun, especially with the caliber of you so-called dweebs" obnoxious. I guess because Hblair was one of the 3 dweebs in on me, that it must have hurt his fragile little ego. or perhaps he was just drunk.

i don't deny i have smacked much worse than that, but tonight i was no where near any level that would require Hblair to pull such a lame stunt, not only once, but twice. The films from the second occurrance went direct to HTC, and I hope the situation will rate the investigation it deserves.

HBlair was just pulling his weight around, in a totally inappropriate manner, imho. He's not a TOS Cop is he? Show me the TOS that I violated.

besides you call 3 on 1's "respect?" These aren't in base operations, which i have no objections to do ing what it takes, it's merely lamers being lame. 2 on 1 is sufficent, as I can honestly point out which is what I gave YOU the opportunity to have earlier, instead of making it a 3 on 1, right?  right?
« Last Edit: February 14, 2002, 12:58:00 AM by Shane »
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Offline Hangtime

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abuse of CM powers in CT
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2002, 01:01:46 AM »
I was there.. and yah earned the heave-ho.

I enjoy your skill as both an adversary and a wingman... but nobody wants to hear your lip, kid. All anybody has to do is disagree with you and you just ratchet up the volume.. this time a CT was there, asked you to tone it down, asked you to stop it.. you switched to being abusive to him.

He asked you politely, and repeatedly. You gave him no options.. you just kept on talkin smack and you got personaly abusive.. just as you did in the post above.


I hope you get your attitude adjusted soon.. because for  a smart kid with a joystick, you sure have a stupid keyboard.
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Offline Shane

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abuse of CM powers in CT
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2002, 01:15:41 AM »
personally abusive???  what a crock of bull, especially tonight. you want the films from the 2nd boot? show me where i got abusive whatsoever, dare ya.

yanno, you're making this seems it's me vs you assassouts, and damned if it's not looking that way. lucky you have a CM or 2 on your side, eh? and if you're not all assassouts or CM-types, then you're pretty tight buddies in general who think the CT is your private playground - in which case it may be, but shrug, sure seems to me Hblair only got this way cuz i called ya'll "dweebs of your so-called caliber." that's the most abusive comment i can see that i made tonight when this all occurred.

wahh wahhh he called me a dweeb, boot him!!


i may have gotten abusive in the first post here - not in the arena, but it was a well deserved expression on my part for what hblair did. good thing he doesn't have CM powers over the BBS, whew.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2002, 01:39:57 AM by Shane »
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Offline Pepe

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abuse of CM powers in CT
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2002, 02:44:44 AM »
Shane, you have to realize you only need to fill 3 gaps on your virtual personna to overcome such an "abusive" situation:

a) Learn to fly
b) Learn to combat
c) Learn to communicate

On achieving these, you will find just another world of amusing gaming and human interrelation. Trust me and try, I know you are miles away from it but, although It might be very tough for you, the effort is worth it.  :D



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abuse of CM powers in CT
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2002, 03:54:01 AM »
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Offline hazed-

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« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2002, 08:22:31 AM »
shane you was enjoying winding hblair up for ages.

As soon as he said he would boot you if you didnt tone down your complaints and whining you just ignored him.I myself complain here and there when its not justified but jees man you win the cake for 'constant' complaints.
I had several fights with you the other day and every time I won one you said'ah well you had your friends' or 'dweebs ganging' etc.You managed to kill in a 2 on 1 and I appreciated that you did well but did not appreciate the 'suck on this' type attitude after.
You did ONCE sort of salute me beating you with the comment 'fairness' whatever that meant? :)

Last night you was the only one ranting on about how others should be playing the game.How in 2 on 1s you dont interfere for the sake of enjoyment and then went on to moan at every engagement you had.Same thing as th day before.

If I was CM and had spent the amount of time Hblair and others have setting up these scenarios for us I think Id have booted you too.

You fly well and have been here a while now, why all the moaning? I too whine here and there at HO's etc and its generally frustration at my flying that makes me speak out but generally within minutes i regret it and appologise.No one HAS to put up with or listen to anyone complaining.It puts people off coming into CT if everytime they get a kill theother player calls them a dweeb or claims they only win because of numbers etc.

ease up bro,

put your pearl handled six shooters and silver(ok brass :p) tongue away along with the rest of the cowboy outfit ;)

Offline Shane

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abuse of CM powers in CT
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2002, 09:31:43 AM »
ok hazed, just answer me this...

why if there's already a friendly (or 2) who most likely has the advantage on a bogey, must others feel the need to also jump in, (particularly in the CT where there's no real win/lose goal and there's a good quality base of pilots, effectively cutting off what little chance the one bogey has - "fun" as it were, it may be a damn good fight in progress that is spoiled.

why? why do they do it?

i'm not talking about a pair or trio who are already in formation, but stragglers who come by after the fight is well in progress.

and bear in mind there's a difference between:

a) smack, after i told you and your 2 wingys to suck it down after i lucked out in a 3 on 1 and got you all - it was most likely acccompanied with a smiley - i never really went for the faux stuff, at most i'll say "fun". smack is the equivalet of a linebacker prancing in front of the QB he just sacked.

b) taunting, like when i was chasing weazel in his d9 several sectors over the channel after he blew his bounce and lost advantage, telling him to show me what he got, or doesn't got, in an attempt to see if i can bait him to turn - he didn't bite :)

c) whining, which is what i do when the above situation i described occurs as often as not. i mean jeez, making a 1 or 2 on 1 into a 3 or 4 on one is kind of insulting to the first 1 or 2 in, you think, by not trusting their skills.  CT isn't the MA, it's more a loose furball than serious base taking efforts - and i try to avoid the cloud of dots when possible and stay on the fringes, but someone always wanders by.  hell, i saw ammo at a disadvnatge in a 2 on 1 so i flew by, told him i wasn't gonna make it 3 on 1, he enjoyed a damn good fight and ended up whacking the 2 on him - do i feel bad for not helping the 2? nope. they were chasing him, he wasn't sitting on thier heads with alt or anything.

i see the same thing happening regardless of whether there's 10 or 60 people in there. true, i'm not telling anyone how to play there game, but c'mon 3 on 1  3 on 1  3 on 1, it's not a whole lot of fun, but it's a little better than the MA, which is why i go to the CT, to get away from the dweebiness in the MA, yet.... it seems i can't.

i almost always go for the outnumbered side, be it allied or axis.

i don't mind being at a disadvantage, i don't mind facing an *established* pair or trio (altho' trios i'm not fond of) - that's why i didn't whine about that 3 on 1, but rather smacked when it was over; i deserved to beat my chest and say "suck it down!!"

but i disgress... my question to you again is, why must the extra 1 or 2 stragglers jump in and basically kill steal (which is supposedly frowned upon) from the 1 or 2 that already are working me over, effectively being "unsporting" to borrow kwasea's word?

why? is this something to be admired and emulated?  and to be honest you probably won't see me whining much anymore when you have such capricous "CM's" acting like 800 pound gorillas in there. you'll merely get a " lol, dweebs :) " in the text buffer when i get overwhelmed by mediocrity.

just remember, the CT is an open arena not an event, not a scenario - i'm pretty quiet and well-behaved, who isn't? - in true events or scenarios, and HBlair over-stepped his authority in that respect, imho, especially since it was a pretty mild situation.

anyway, this'll be my last post on this as i think it sums up everything i have to say about the CT.

dweebs are as dweebs do. ;)  apparently no amount of "whining" will ever change that.  :rolleyes:
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