Author Topic: Now I understand why most prefer the MA  (Read 1771 times)

Offline Drunky

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Why Lasz is a Tard and a Troll
« Reply #45 on: February 14, 2002, 10:13:15 PM »
Rip, HBlair and Udie

Excellent post and responses.

Simple truth...Tomorrow I'll be sober but Lasz will still be incredibly stupid.


all (expect Lasz....he's stoopid you know)

[edit]  whoohoo Lasz....the CT broke the 20 in the arena range that you didn't think we would get...i've seen it upward of still are a simple minded trolling tard...stop posting in forums and thread you are ignorant and unwanted.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2002, 10:24:07 PM by Drunky »
Drunky | SubGenius
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Offline Steven

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Now I understand why most prefer the MA
« Reply #46 on: February 14, 2002, 10:54:05 PM »
Lazs,  <>

It was just a suggestion brought up for discussion.  The CT is in its infancy and discussion can only help it to mature and find its niche.  

I've heard discussions about perking the SpitIX in the MA, so don't make anything out of a similar topic occuring in the CT.

Offline bowser

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« Reply #47 on: February 14, 2002, 11:12:42 PM »
Hmmm...would Drunky be an example of the more mature, better class of person you can find in the CT?  Keep up the great sales job boys...I think it's starting to work.  :)


Offline Wilbus

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Now I understand why most prefer the MA
« Reply #48 on: February 15, 2002, 01:09:28 AM »
Ugh, 50 posts, won't read em all.

The CT just blows away everything else IMO, you may say
it takes time to get to the fights, but the fights last longer and the skill of pilots in the CT is higher and the people are more polite (ok, fewer people makes it easier to have only polite people).

I just wish the 88's weren't so evil...
Rasmus "Wilbus" Mattsson

Liberating Livestock since 1998, recently returned from a 5 year Sheep-care training camp.

Offline eddiek

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Who is bowser anyway?
« Reply #49 on: February 15, 2002, 01:22:47 AM »
"This is JUST MY OBSERVATION and personal opinion. " by Ripsnort......

Anything he said after that statement, well, ya can't flame the guy or condemn him for telling ya how he feels, can ya?
The CT is not elitist, it is not "better" than the MA, but it does provide a different atmosphere.  One that I like myself.  If ya don't like it, don't fly there.  You pay your subscription, fly where and how you want.
Who the heck is this "bowser" character anyway?  Another guy flying under a different handle, or just a guy who doesn't know anything and mouths off to make himself happy?  :p

Offline Hajo

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Now I understand why most prefer the MA
« Reply #50 on: February 15, 2002, 02:11:40 AM »
Like the CT very much!  But constraints due to work hours makes it dificult to fly in either arena.

Only problem I find with CT is quite frequent very low numbers, prolly due to the times that I can log on.
- The Flying Circus -

Offline Apar

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Now I understand why most prefer the MA
« Reply #51 on: February 15, 2002, 02:27:55 AM »
your score doesn't show a 2.7 kill per sortie or a K/T that would support your contentions of non stop adrenilene burnout


oh.. and apar.. K/D, K/T and K/S are all stats not score. I don't care about score but.. when someone tells me about non stop action and never get's a kill in less than 30 minuytes say, then, K/T is a valid "stat" to use in the debate. When someone claims the skill level is low in the MA and then has a lower K/D in the MA than the CT then K/D is a valid "stat" to bring up


You used the word score in relation to adrenilene burnout, not me.

Fact is that neither score nor K/D, K/T, K/S have anything to do with 'adrenilene rush' in CT as far as I'm concerned.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2002, 04:49:54 AM by Apar »

Offline eskimo2

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Now I understand why most prefer the MA
« Reply #52 on: February 15, 2002, 04:20:09 AM »
Originally posted by hblair
And Lasz, why didn't you explain the Area Arena to us? I inquired to how it would work, but you wouldn't answer. Why? Please explain this area arena to us.


He can't.
Lazshole has no creativity, and no vision.

I see a pattern in Lazshole's post's:
1.  He is often vague.
His "ideas" typically include "make it more" or "make it less.  But not specific examples showing exactly how to "make it more" or "make it less.
2.  He offers no cohesive inter-related game play ideas because he can't figure out how not to contradict himself.
3.  He does this because all that he is capable of is criticism.  I.E. he has no creativity.
4.  He can use big words, but he can't clearly explain the simplest things to save his life.
5.  His only purpose is to taunt and ruin good ideas and conversations.  At this, he is good, so he sticks to what he does best.

I think he is too afraid to lay his "Grand Vision of AH"(or Area Arena if you will) on the line. He has talked-up his expertise of AH game play so much, and yet his ideas are so underdeveloped.  He knows that he could never make anything worth-while and he knows that the folks who really understand the game would tear it apart.

6.  Lastly, he's a tard.


Offline Creamo

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« Reply #53 on: February 15, 2002, 06:37:28 AM »
Aye Eddie, you got me there. That's a good point.

Still it's the stuff prior to that statement of "disclamer" in the initial thread post which is really pretty much silly, if not outright misleading.

People fly the MA cuz it's so much fun, even with it's shortcomings. I don't agree saying flying there is only because people from your squad are there as if it's some sacrifice from the CT. I doubt that's the case, hense the flames. And the point to bring them to the CT on occation, if not all the time if it's so much better.

The CT could be every way as viable as the MA for fun/action/entertainment/god forbid "adrenline" for almost anyone, even at reduced numbers. Hell, I'd stretch to say it might be better (edit- the CT itself that is) with a smaller fraction of players vs. the MA per map size due to the reduced icons and gameplay diffrences.

I'll let the CT Team be the judge of the  trail and error of what makes it work. I stand by the way NOT to promote it, as this whole thread makes painfully clear.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2002, 07:02:35 AM by Creamo »

Offline Maniac

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Now I understand why most prefer the MA
« Reply #54 on: February 15, 2002, 07:40:21 AM »

We know your feelings about the CT allredy... Why not djust let it go?

Warbirds handle : nr-1 //// -nr-1- //// Maniac

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #55 on: February 15, 2002, 08:40:02 AM »
oodee.. sorry didn't mean you personally and should have pointed that out but... YOU should be able to see all the laughable "we are better than" posts that come out of the CT.   judging by the majority of posters "defending" the CT it looks like a real village idiot and town drunk convention with a heap of dematolodgy challenged(thin skinned) thrown in tho.. wouldn't yu say?

hblair..  I don't get the "granny" reference yet.   She was "stupid"?   Seems she was cranky, thin skinned and allways chasing people around with a broom (throwing em out) and was from some "hillbilly" state.   I bet she went around calling people stupid.  Is that what you meant?

Area arena... I thought you honestly had read the dozens of posts on the arena idea.   It basically consists of one big map with say 3 areas..  An early war, mid, and late war area.   only early planes are allowed at the early area and only early and mid at the mid war area with all allowed at the late area.   Mustangs, lags spit14's and -4's wouldn't be able to up at an early war field or... even get to one.    the advantage would be that you could have parity and retain choice.

Now... I am sure that you have read the numerous and detailed posts on the subject so... What is your point?   do you not like the idea n general principal?    I also like the idea of being able to cycle through the maps and spawn at any field at any arena.

drunky.. you have it slightly wrong... in the morning you will still be a drunk and eskimo will still be ignorant.   But you will still agree with each other.

apar.. sorry.. meant stat not score K/D or K/T is a stat and not a score.  I think I clarified it all later in the same post tho.   point is.... the more time you send doing nothing the less exciting it is ..  the worse you do in an arena the harder it is for you.

Offline Creamo

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« Reply #56 on: February 15, 2002, 08:41:10 AM »
I think Toad's post is far better for subject of responce Maniac, due to it's frank MA/CT player comparison, and the valid points of someone unbiased.

Laz2's opinion is in fact predicatable, no matter how correct. So i see the jist of your point.

However , commenting on irrelevance, makes your post, errr, irrelavent? ;)

(sorry about the hoopty smiley con, and my ommision of WORD spellchecker. I'll load that soon)

Offline Ripsnort

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Now I understand why most prefer the MA
« Reply #57 on: February 15, 2002, 08:51:28 AM »
Creamo,I've been flying the Dora in CT, come join us!

Offline Creamo

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« Reply #58 on: February 15, 2002, 09:03:00 AM »
heh, a nice "out" of this mess. Sure. OMW.

(Your like a dog that toejam on my carpet, lovable but just a sappy pain in the ass.)

You better know that Dora aint a Tempest.

EDIT- Just checked the CT, 2! total in the CT?, No way. Going for some mail-order-bride-funstuff. Night.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2002, 09:07:08 AM by Creamo »

Offline Lephturn

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Now I understand why most prefer the MA
« Reply #59 on: February 15, 2002, 09:09:40 AM »
Originally posted by Ripsnort
Leph, in rebuttal to dot Awacs MA, when you encounter a dot, most folks assess the dot on their map (is it enemy) then turn and run if the enemy dot has the CT arena, you go and investigate it.  It encourages intanglement rather than encouraging alt monkiness. :)

I don't care so much about the AWACS dot radar as I do about the limited icons, but it's the combination that results in me spending much more time than I want chasing dots instead of fighting.   I really don't care if the other guy "runs" or not... I can chase him if I know it's a bad guy.  I just HATE wasting fuel trying to ID dots.  It's silly.  When I do find a fight, I find that I'm soon seeing 3 more Axis on my tail every time.  Woopee.  I'm not really concerned about folks "turning away" from a fight... mostly because they don't.  Hell, last night in the MA like 5 Rooks went running into a 15 plane sweep coming in much higher... and we saw them on dot radar.  The difference is that with full icons and the dot radar, I can get into great 1v1-3 fights and know WHEN to get out, whereas without that information I end up too often in 1v10 and simply can't do anything about it.  Personally, I find that frustrating, and I log out.  I'll bet I'm not the only one.

Yep, reduced icon ranges and no dot radar means more "realistic" fighting behaviour.  You know what, "realistic" missions were completely BORING and almost never encountered enemy planes.  The more "real" you make it in this regard, the less fun it is, and I'm not here to pretend to be really flying in WWII, I'm here to have FUN.  The only time it's reasonable to get the immersion level up and pretend to be really flying a mission is in a scenario where you can set it up so there is lots of action by forcing folks to do certain things.  Leave that stuff in the scenarios where it belongs, and keep the CT fun I say.